Examples of Financial Charges in a sentence
Land Charge entries registered under Part 2 Specific Financial Charges.
Specific Financial Charges arise where the Local Authority are empowered by statute to carry out works in default, for instance under the powers of the Public Health Acts, the Highways Act 1980 and the Building Act 1984.
Land: Building Construction: Site Work: Legal Fees: (other than Company’s Attorneys) Engineering Fees: Financial Charges: Machinery & Equipment: CTCRC Fee: Other (Specify): Estimated Total Cost: If your proposed financing involves refinancing of existing tax exempt debt, please attach original Closing Memorandum, POS, or OS and summary status of bond repayment schedule, along with original Form 8038 and Bond Counsel Opinion Letter(s).
In particular, the WDFG Group shall comply with the following financial covenants on a consolidated basis: a Leverage Ratio (Net Debt/EBITDA) not higher than3.5 times and an Interest Cover Ratio (EBITDA/Net Financial Charges) not lower than 4.5 times.
Financial Charges and Depreciation on leased Assets are charged to Income currently.
Project Management3.0001.409 Output 1 Water Supply Systems ImprovedOutput 2 Sanitation Systems ImprovedOutput 3 Urban Public Spaces ImprovedOutput 4 Institutional Support and Capacity DevelopmentNote: The output wise distribution of Financial Charges During Implementation is not available, therefore, amount entered in total column only.
This guideline shall apply to • Financial (Charges / Expenditure / Revenues (Tariff)) audits • Hydrocarbon (Measurement / Allocation) audits.
The bond loan named "Minibond 2014-2019" also provides for - in addition to the previous covenants- a further covenant calculated on the consolidated financial statements: • EBITDA/Net Financial Charges: indicator of the incidence of the costs for the interest expenses, calculated as the ratio between EBITDA and interest expenses.
I, the undersigned, confirm that I have discussed and understood the financial implication outlined in section 3 and that in accordance with the Bloomsbury Institute London Terms & Conditions: Application, Tuition Fees and other Financial Charges, I may still be liable for the entire tuition fee despite withdrawing from my studies.
Resident agrees to pay a one-time account set-up fee (Telecom Fee) in the amount noted in the Summary of Financial Charges at the time of new move-in or renewal.