Flight Charge definition
Examples of Flight Charge in a sentence
The Minimum Flight Charge Revenue applicable during a given Service Period may not be amended except as set forth in Section 8(D).
The Town shall have the right after receipt of an invoice from TSVAH, upon reasonable notice, to examine the business records of TSVAH relating to TSVAH's calculations of the Minimum Flight Charge Revenue and the Actual Flight Charge Revenue and to dispute an invoice within thirty (30) days if an examination reveals errors or irregularities in TSVAH’s accounting of the charter air service flights subject to this Agreement.
The fixed costs attributable to a cancelled flight may, notwithstanding cancellation of a flight, properly be included in the calculation of the Minimum Flight Charge Revenue for the relevant Service Period, unless all subsequent flights during a Service Period are cancelled, in which case the Agreement shall be terminated effective as of the date of the first cancellation.
The invoice shall provide details of the Minimum Flight Charge Revenue and the Actual Flight Charge Revenue, and the calculations used to develop the invoice.
The repositioning, ferry or dead head flights of the Aircraft required in connection with Jannard's flights of the Aircraft under this Agreement, including delivery and redelivery of the Aircraft to the Home Base, or such other location as the Parties may agree, shall be deemed to be use of the Aircraft by Jannard (as a Time Sharing Flight) and at Jannard's expense subject to the Flight Charge.
Within fifteen (15) business days following each calendar quarter in which any Time Sharing Flights occur, Oakley shall submit Jannard, in writing a statement detailing the Flight Charge for the Time Sharing Flights in the preceding quarter, broken down by permissible category as provided under FAR Section 91.501(d), with payment due within thirty (30) calendar days of the statement date.
If TSVAH receives more than the aggregate amount of the Guaranty Amount from the KSKX (TAOS, NM) flights during a Period or if Actual Flight Charge Revenue is not less than the Minimum Flight Charge Revenue, then any such excess of Revenues for the Period over the Guaranteed Amount for the same Period shall be credited against the Guaranty Payments next owed by the Town, until such credit is exhausted but and only to the extent a Guaranty payment is owed for a subsequent period.
Within fifteen (15) business days following each calendar quarter in which any Time Sharing Flights occur, Oakley shall submit X, LLC, in writing a statement detailing the Flight Charge for the Time Sharing Flights in the preceding quarter, broken down by permissible category as provided under FAR Section 91.501(d), with payment due within thirty (30) calendar days of the statement date.
AND GUARANTOR FOR AIR SERVICE FLIGHTS BETWEEN DRT AND DFW PROPOSED FLIGHT SCHEDULE* November 4th, 2018 – November 3rd, 2020 Origin Destination Days of Operation Flight Times*DFWDRTDaily14:35-15:59DFWDRTDaily22:15-23:39DRTDFWDaily06:30-07:49DRTDFWDaily16:25-17:44 Equipment: ERJ-140, ERJ-145** Present Configuration: [44 or 50] seats**One Way Flight Charge: $4,993 per Air Service Flight** *Exact operating times are subject to change from time to time by American at its sole discretion.
Accordingly, for each such permitted Time Sharing Flight, Oakley shall lease to Jannard and Jannard shall lease from Oakley, the Aircraft with Flight Crew pursuant to this Agreement, at no charge; provided that Jannard shall pay to Oakley the applicable Flight Charge for such Time Sharing Flight.