Examples of Forced Outage in a sentence
SMUD is responsible for notifying SCL when a Forced Outage, Uncontrollable Force or transmission curtailment on Puget’s transmission system affecting the Burlington Project occurs and when the Burlington Project recovers from such contingency.
Parties will provide reasonably sufficient advanced notice of the anticipated resumption of deliveries following a Force Majeure or Forced Outage to allow for the parties to coordinate scheduling of resumed deliveries within the deadlines established by WECC, NAESB or NERC.
Forced Outage An immediate full or partial interruption of the generating capability of the Facility that is not the result of (i) a request by Utility in accordance with this REPA , (ii) a Scheduled Outage or (iii) an event or occurrence of Force Majeure.
Any Outage (other than a Forced Outage) not identified in an Outage Schedule is considered to be “Requested Outage” and shall be submitted by the Seller, or Seller’s agent, to the CAISO through the Scheduling and Logging for the ISO of California (SLIC), or successor outage management system.
The plans will also address the event if the Facility would have a Scheduled Outage or a Forced Outage and such outage occurs coincident with an Emergency.