Scheduling Process Sample Clauses
Scheduling Process a. Staff members may submit unit assignment requests and schedule preferences in writing to the scheduling supervisor or unit supervisor if a change in assignments is desired.
b. East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility and Kearny Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility administration will make unit assignments and determine the hours of work on the primary basis of service delivery needs and staffing allocations. Seniority will be considered in making such assignments.
c. Seniority will be used within the assigned unit, for determining days off except that late night staff positions will be assigned on a scheduled three (3) month basis with rotating days off. (Late night positions defined as those with shifts starting on or after 10:00 p.m.)
d. Staff in late night positions will be allowed to trade days off provided there is mutual agreement; however, this will not change their place in the regular rotation cycle. Those who have agreed to trade will simply work each other's shift for that three (3) month period only, and then will move to their next position in the rotation.
Scheduling Process. All overnight shifts shall be scheduled by a shift bid based on overall seniority every three (3) months.
Scheduling Process i) As a general rule, annual vacations and supplementary vacations shall be taken during the months of July and August on application to the Board.
ii) Where special reservations or travel arrangements have to be made in advance, an employee may make special application at any time to have holiday dates confirmed.
iii) In circumstances beyond the employee’s control, the employee may request a change in holidays after this date.
iv) Where vacation scheduling conflicts arise among two (2) or more employees and they cannot be accommodated due to operational requirements (such requirements not to be unreasonably determined by the Board), then changes in schedules will be necessary.
Scheduling Process. A) In discussion with the immediate supervisor, all staff members participating in self scheduling will be placed into groups. They will in turn be placed in order of seniority within each group.
B) Each group will elect or volunteer a facilitator to represent them. This person will be responsible for ensuring that each nurse selects their shifts in a timely manner. The names of the facilitators will be submitted to the Immediate Supervisor for approval.
C) Each group member is responsible to make themselves available to choose their shifts or to communicate their availability to their group facilitator in order to complete their selection within the time period allotted on the unit.
D) Nurses shift selection may be assigned to the facilitator or to another staff member where individual availability to select is compromised. The failure of an individual nurse to complete their selection promptly in accordance with unit practice may result in forfeiture of order of selection.
E) Where full time staff self schedule, they will select their shifts in advance of the part time staff. Where management schedules full time staff, that schedule will be created first.
F) Groups, other than Group 1, must include a mix of junior and senior nurses.
G) Shift selection for each group shall take no more than 3 days/group.
H) As each 6 week rotation is unique, required shifts will be determined and selected for that particular schedule only.
I) Group 1 will always select first from the available shifts. Group 1 is comprised of:
1) On units where nurses work extended tours or a mixed rotation, staff who are contracted to work exclusively 8-hour shifts.
2) Staff who require specific scheduling as a result of an approved accommodation.
3) Staff scheduled to work permanent shifts in accordance with the collective agreement. [D.2 (k), (m)] J) Groups 2, 3 etc.
1) Groups 2, 3 etc. will sign up to select shifts in turn, with the most senior in the group choosing first.
2) These groups will rotate every six weeks to select their shifts first, following Group 1 (i.e. first rotation will be Groups 1, 2, 3, 4; the second rotation will be Groups 1, 3, 4, 2, third rotation will be Groups 1, 4, 2, 3, and so on).
Scheduling Process. Part time staff on the unit will be formed in to groups depending upon the numbers of staff, skill mix requirements etc. as determined by the Manager.
Scheduling Process. A. Employees are encouraged to use all of their accrued vacation each year. To ensure equity and fairness to all employees and to xxxxxx mutual agreement on scheduling vacation days all permanent unit members shall submit a vacation request to his/her site principal or District administrator. The scheduling administrator shall respond within 30 calendar days.
1. For 10 and 11 month employees this vacation request shall be submitted by October 1st and include all the days scheduled to be taken, those to be paid off according to subsection 3 below, and any request for carryover into subsequent school year.
2. For 12 month employees this vacation request shall be submitted by May 1st and include all the accrued vacation days either as days to be taken or as carryover into the subsequent school year.
B. Only with District approval in writing may accrued vacation be carried over to the following fiscal year. Carry over vacation time must be used no later than the year following the one in which it was earned. The employee shall designate the use of this carryover vacation in his/her annual vacation request that is to be submitted by October 1st as outlined above.
C. The administration will provide the means for unit members to submit such vacation requests. Vacation time shall be granted during the year provided it is not disruptive to the operation of the District. Priority shall be given to vacation applications submitted on or before the deadlines noted above. Once the schedule is agreed upon, it is fixed unless mutually agreed otherwise. In fixing that schedule the district shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the employee’s request. Any scheduling of days, including carryover, that cannot be mutually agreed upon by the administrator and the unit member shall be scheduled by the district.
Scheduling Process a. Supervising Probation Officers may submit unit assignment requests and schedule preferences in writing to the scheduling supervisor or unit supervisor if a change in assignments is desired.
b. East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility and Kearny Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility administration will make unit assignments and determine the hours of work on the primary basis of service delivery needs and staffing allocations. Seniority will be considered in making such assignments.
c. The Late Night Watch Shift will be rotated among supervisors on a fair and equitable basis.
Scheduling Process a. The building administration shall share data on preliminary course selection, by subject and department, with teachers at department meetings and with the BEA building representatives. The data shall be provided as soon as the data from the scheduling process is available and before the individual teaching assignments are determined.
b. Recommendations to address reasonable balance in class size – by subject and within a department or grade level – may be proposed by teachers.
c. Administration will not consider recommendations for those courses that are listed elsewhere as exceptions in their class size maximum. These would include writing classes (Article VI [C]{4}), and study halls, physical education classes, and large group musical performance classes as described in Article VI[A].
Scheduling Process. As a general rule, annual vacations and supplementary
Scheduling Process. 4 The Medical Center and the Association hereby agree that the nurses will 5 follow the provisions of Article 5 of the collective bargaining agreement. The 6 parties further, agree, that the following provisions are additional unit-specific 7 processes for the registered nurses working in the Operating Room.