Full investigation definition
Examples of Full investigation in a sentence
Full investigation for major deviations should be carried out by the quality management department in conjunction with other departments, and a report should be filed.
The Risk Oversight Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) directors, at least one (1) of whom is an Independent Director, including a Committee Chair, and who are appointed by the Board on an annual basis following each annual meeting.
Full investigation of these issues will require review of the site conditions well above and below the facility alignment, and may extendon to private property.
WHERE TO FIND IT >Compensation governance 72 Expertise 73 Compensation oversight 74 Compensation governanceThe Board, the Human Resources committee and the Governance committee are responsible for the integrity of our compensation governance practices.
Full investigation with written report will be required for all near-misses.
The following are the penalties for any Contractor personnel or Subcontractor Personnel that are found to be in possession of a camera or cell phone equipped with a camera taking pictures outside NAVSEA spaces: 1st offense with pictures: Full investigation with security forces and NCIS, camera or cell phone confiscation, and depending on results of investigation 30 days restriction.
This amendment is to extend time only, no funds being added.51,500.00 Full investigation of nurses that have allegedly violated the Nurse Practice01/31/2024Act or Rules.
Full investigation commenced at the plant to find the root cause of the issue.
Full investigation of a complaint may commence when warranted after the preliminary review by the Chief Diversity Officer, or after informal resolution has failed.
Full investigation report files with results and recommendations are distributed to the Insurance Department, Safety Department and administration.