Examples of GMP Drawings and Specifications in a sentence
The Design-Builder will further covenant and agree in the GMP Amendment that it will perform all of the construction work necessary to Fully Complete the Project, including, without limitation, aspects of the Work that are not shown on the GMP Drawings and Specifications but which are a logical development of the design intent reflected in the GMP Drawings and Specifications, for an amount not to exceed the Guaranteed Maximum Price.
The Design-Builder is required to complete the design of the Project so that it reflects a logical progression of the design intent contained in the GMP Drawings and Specifications.
The GMP Drawings and Specifications shall meet or exceed those GMP Drawings and Specifications detail requirements.
Construction Manager and Owner Parties shall meet on or before the applicable date set forth in the Project Schedule to develop a mutual understanding of the necessary GMP Drawings and Specifications content to enable Construction Manager to deliver to Owner an accurate GMP proposal for the applicable Deliverable Portion of Work.
Such GMP Drawings and Specifications detail requirements shall be agreed-to in writing, signed by Construction Manager, Design Professional, and Owner, and shall be attached to the applicable GMP Amendment.
Construction Manager acknowledges and agrees the GMP Drawings and Specifications may require further substantial development at the time Construction Manager prepares its GMP Proposal, and that its GMP Proposal takes into account such further development.
Design Professional shall deliver to Construction Manager on or before the date set forth in the Project Schedule, the GMP Drawings and Specifications and the Design Professional’s Statement of Incomplete Documents, for the applicable Deliverable Portion of Work (collectively, the “GMP Documents”).
As part of its service plan, Construction Manager shall actively participate in the Project’s preconstruction coordination and quality review meetings upon completion of: (i) Schematic Design Documents; (ii) Design Development Documents; (iii) GMP Drawings and Specifications; (iv) Construction Drawings and Specifications, and immediately prior to the issuance of each bid package.
The GMP Drawings and Specifications include various clarifications and assumptions that are intended to further define the scope of Work that will be required to complete the Project.
All such sets shall clearly identify (through “bubbling” or otherwise) changes from the GMP Drawings and Specifications.