Examples of Hate violence in a sentence
Hate, violence, racial intolerance and the financial exploitation of a crime We are clarifying the provision of the Acceptable Use Policy related to hate, violence, racial intolerance and the financial exploitation of a crime.
Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence as defined in Education Code 233 (Education Code 48900.3) Hate violence means any act punishable under Penal Code 422.6, 422.7, or 422.75.
Hate violence can be: verbal or written threats; physical assault or attempted assault; and graffiti, vandalism, or property damage.
R., Cunha, E., Magno, G., et al.: Analyzing right-wing youtube channels: Hate, violence and discrimination.
Hate violence is also a violation of DASA which is addressed in Extreme Violations of the Lawsection in this Code.