Health Check definition
Examples of Health Check in a sentence
As part of the Department’s Health Check Program, the Department shall offer all female bargaining unit members who are over 35 years of age, at no cost to the members, voluntary breast cancer screening, using the current industry standard screening procedure for the detection of breast cancer.
As part of the Department’s Health Check Program, the Department shall offer all male bargaining unit members who are over 40 years of age, at no cost to the members, voluntary prostate cancer screening, using the current industry standard screening procedure for the detection of prostate cancer.
Any travel out-of-state must be approved by the child’s parent/guardian’s or by the court, if parental rights have not been terminated.d) The right to consent to routine medical care such as immunizations, EPSDT Health Check screenings, and routine medical examinations.e) The right to consent to major medical care in an emergency situation.
If there is a possibility the child might qualify for SSI, the adoption worker must work with the Health Check and the Social Security Office to secure benefits prior to the filing of the petition for adoption.
The plan shall include procedures for follow-up of missed appointments, including missed Referral appointments for problems identified through Health Check screens and exams.