Heritage Agreement definition
Examples of Heritage Agreement in a sentence
Item 6 List of provisions of a pre-existing Aboriginal Heritage Agreement which will prevail over this NSHA (if the entire pre-existing Aboriginal Heritage Agreement prevails, write ‘whole agreement’).
This includes:• representing the department on working parties and relevant committees to progress regional strategic program initiatives relating to cooperative management; and• providing specific guidance in relation to compliance with the Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement (NSHA).4.
COMMERCIAL BILL OF LADING NOTATIONS (SPECIAL) (OCT 2009) 83Derived from FAR 52.247-1 (FEB 2006) (FD) 83(Applies to all cost reimbursement subcontracts where transportation is a direct charge to the subcontract.) (Applies to all fixed price subcontracts where direct and actual transportation cost is a separate item in the invoice (e.g. F.O.B. origin)and not included in the delivered price (e.g. F.O.B. destination) 83CLAUSE 67.
The Heritage Agreement must be submitted to the Minister for approval prior to being registered, and must be registered prior to the commencement of construction.
The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) Heritage Agreement Scheme is a program that encourages landowners to conserve and maintain the biodiversity of native vegetation on their properties.NVC Heritage Agreements are a contract between the landholder and the Minister for Environment and Water.The Heritage Agreement SchemeThe NVC Heritage Agreement Scheme is an innovative and effective program that holds many benefits for landowners.