Highways Contribution definition

Highways Contribution means the sum of £XX,XXX (sum inwords) Index Linked;]
Highways Contribution means a contribution to the County Council in the sum of two hundred and ninety-three thousand and three hundred and ninety-five pounds (£293,395.00) index linked from the date of this Deed in accordance with clause 11.1 of this Deed in respect of highway accessibility measures to be used towards the design and implementation of the following schemes: • Hamble Lane Corridor improvements; • Bus subsidisation for existing services in the vicinity of the Site; • Bus infrastructure improvements; and • Improvements to pedestrian and cycle links in the local area
Highways Contribution. Highways Works” Means the land adjacent to Brickhill Street as shown shaded dark green and annotated ‘Grid Road Reserve’ on the drawing entitled ‘Land Use Areas – MP23’ with reference 16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1008-P10 attached to this Deed which is proposed to be utilised for the upgrading of Brickhill Street to grid road standard to the extent that it does not already form part of the public highway Means an agreement with the Council under section 278 of the 1980 Act and such other legislative provisions as may be applicable in relation to the provision of offsite improvements to a) Tilbrook Roundabout and b) Brickhill StreetHighway Works Means the sum of two hundred thousand pounds (£200,000) Index Linked payable to the Council to be used towards the provision of improvements to the Xxxxxx Park Roundabout Means the provision of offsite improvements to a) Tilbrook Roundabout and b) Brickhill Street including the dualling of the southern side as shown on drawing SCD-BWB-GEN-01-DR-TR-001 S2 P12 attached to this Deed The Owners covenant with the Council as follows:

Examples of Highways Contribution in a sentence

  • Highways Contribution (Sum to be confirmed) towards the junctions of Old Mill Road/the Hill, Crewe Green Roundabout and Junction 17 of the M6 6.

  • Members were not satisfied with the adequacy of the Highways Contribution offered.

  • Members questioned the Highways Contribution which they considered to be inadequate and officers corrected a mistaken inference that it was calculated on the basis of impact on roads between the A13 and the application site and the costs of remedial road works to ameliorate the impact.

  • The calculation of the sum of £25,000 as a Highways Contribution was the cost of the above solely over the highway from the application site to the entrance to Tilda Rice.

  • Highways contribution of £12,000 received on 29.07.10 To be spent by 28.07.17 P0368.09 165 – 000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Highways Contribution - £25,000 Restriction on the issue of car parking permits 2 Years from payment of the sum (Can be extended if under contract) Prior to commencement of the development £25,000 Highways Contribution received on 17.07.10 To be spent by 16.07.12 P0206.10 Rushdon Close Highways contribution - £44,400 5 years from receipt.

More Definitions of Highways Contribution

Highways Contribution. A financial contribution of Two Hundred and Fifty One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Eight Pounds (£251,578) Index Linked to be used for improvements to the existing the highway network and sustainable travel as follows:  A contribution of One Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Five Pounds (£146,425) to support bus services and associated infrastructure in the vicinity of the Property; and  A contribution of One Hundred and Five Thousand) One Hundred and Fifty-Three Pounds (£105,153) towards improvements to school routes at Gosport Road and the junction of Bells Lane, Stubbington Lane and Xxxx RoadHighway Works Agreement” Any agreement or agreements for the On Site Highway Works and if appropriate a separate agreement for the Off Site Highway Works to be entered into by the Owner and the County Council pursuant to (inter alia) section 278 and/or section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 in a form to be agreed by the County Council to provide for the execution of the On Site Highway Works and/or the Off Site Highway Works as appropriate by the Owner at the Owner’s expense. “Highway Works Completion StandardCompletion of the On Site Highway Works or Off Site Highway Works as appropriate to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Council as evidenced by the issue of a certificate of completion for the On Site Highway Works or Off Site Highway Works performed under an agreement pursuant to section 278 Highways Act 1980 or the issue of a part 2 certificate for On Site Highway Works or Off Site Highway Works performed under an agreement pursuant to section 38 Highways Act 1980.
Highways Contribution means the sum of £…………. (indexed in accordance with the provisions of this Deed) to be paid by the Owner to the Council and expended by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the ************* Schedule.
Highways Contribution means the sum of nine hundred thousand pounds (£900,000) Index Linked payable in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Schedule 1 of this Deed as a financial contribution towards funding a diversion/enhancement of the B52 service and or other suitable local bus services to allow suitable connection of the Development to public transport;
Highways Contribution means the sum of [INSERT FIGURE] pounds Open Market Value
Highways Contribution. Means the land adjacent to Brickhill Street as shown shaded dark green and annotated ‘Grid Road Reserve’ on the drawing entitled ‘Land Use Areas – MP23’ with reference 16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1008-P13 attached to this Deed which is proposed to be utilised for the upgrading of Brickhill Street to grid road standard to the extent that it does not already form part of the public highway Means an agreement with the Council under section 278 of the 1980 Act and such other legislative provisions as may be applicable in relation to the provision of offsite improvements to a) Tilbrook Roundabout and b) Brickhill Street Means the sum of two hundred thousand pounds (£200,000) Index Linked payable to the Council to be used towards the provision of improvements to the Xxxxxx Park Roundabout
Highways Contribution means a contribution in the sum of £1,006 per Dwelling where the total contribution shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula D x £1,006 = £HC Index Linked WHERE D is the number of Dwellings to be provided pursuant to the Reserved Matters Approval £HC Index Linked is the Highways Contribution (Index Linked) payable “Libraries Contribution ” means a contribution in the sum of £48.02 per Dwelling where the total contribution shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula D x £48.02 = £LC Index Linked WHERE D is the number of Dwellings to be provided pursuant to the Reserved Matters Approval £LC Index Linked is the Libraries Contribution (Index Linked) payable
Highways Contribution means the sum of £45,000 (forty five thousand pounds) Index Linked to be expended on the Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation (MOVA) improvement works at the Bunbury Arms Junction, Xxxxxxxx.