Hospital bed definition

Hospital bed means, subject to subregulation (2), a bed used for accommodation, maintenance and nursing care of a patient in a hospital that is not a nursing home;
Hospital bed means a bed within the licensed bed complement at a licensed site of a hospital licensed under Part 215 of the Code, excluding (i) hospital beds certified for long-term care as defined in Section 20106(6) of the Code and (ii) unlicensed newborn bassinets.
Hospital bed means a bed for an adult or child patient. Bassinets for the newborn in a maternity unit nursery, beds in labor rooms, recovery rooms, and other beds used exclusively for emergency purposes are not included in this definition. Bed Capacity For existing beds, capacity is considered bed space designated exclusively for inpatient care, including space originally designed or remodeled for inpatient beds, even though temporarily not used for such purposes. The number of beds counted in any patient room is the maximum number for which adequate square footage is provided, except that single beds in single rooms have been counted even if the room contained inadequate square footage. Inventory and Bed Need All licensed general hospitals, including Federal facilities, and CON-approved general hospitals are listed in the inventory. Patient days and admissions are as reported by the hospital in its JAR. The number of patient days utilized for the general hospital bed need calculations does not include days of care rendered in licensed psychiatric units, substance abuse units, or comprehensive rehabilitation units of hospitals. These days of care are shown in the corresponding inventories for each type of service. In addition, the days of care provided in Long-Term Care hospitals are not included in the general bed need calculations. Total capacity by survey refers to a total designed capacity or maximum number of beds that may be accommodated as determined by an on-site survey. This capacity may exceed thenumber of beds actually set up and in use. It may also differ from the licensed capacity, which is based on State laws and regulations. Beds have been classified as conforming and nonconforming, according to standards of plant evaluation. Variable Occupancy Rate The General Acute Hospital bed need methodology uses the following variable occupancy rate factors: 0 - 174 bed hospitals  65%175 - 349 bed hospitals  70%350+ bed hospital  75% The population and associated utilization are broken down by age groups. The use rates and projected average daily census are made for the age cohorts of 0-17, 18-64, and 65 and over, in recognition that different population groups have different hospital utilization rates. Where the term “hospital bed need” is used, these figures are based upon utilization data for the general acute hospitals. This term does not suggest that facilities cannot operate at higher occupancy rates than used in the calculations without adding additional ...

Examples of Hospital bed in a sentence

  • Admission Begins the first day a Covered Person becomes a registered Hospital bed patient or a Skilled Nursing Facility patient and continues until he is discharged.

  • Charges for Physician or Hospital bed patient services (other than diagnostic x-ray and laboratory tests and charges for Physical Therapy) if admission was primarily for diagnostic reasons or for Physical Therapy, and if such services could have been provided adequately on an outpatient basis without endangering the patient’s health.

  • The treating Medical Practitioner confirms in writing that the Insured Person’s condition was such that the Insured Person could not be transferred to a Hospital OR the Insured Person satisfies Us that a Hospital bed was unavailable.

  • Covered Services are limited to those You are eligible to receive as a Hospital bed patient and that would otherwise require confinement in a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility and also include the following services.

  • A Hospital bed was unavailable; Provided that, the treatment of the Insured Person continues for at least 3 days, in which case the reasonable cost of any Medically Necessary treatment for the entire period shall be payable.

More Definitions of Hospital bed

Hospital bed or "bed" means a bed in a hospital with the attendant physical space, fixtures, and equipment for use in caring primarily for inpatients. "Hospital bed" includes beds used in caring for patients who stay for less than twenty-four hours, but the primary use of such beds is for care of inpatients.
Hospital bed means- (WHO defines a hospital bed as) a bed that is regularly maintained and staffed for the accommodation and full-time care of a succession of inpatients and is situated inwards or a part of the hospital where continuous medical care for inpatients is provided. The total of such beds constitutes the normally available bed complement of the hospital.
Hospital bed means a bed for an adult or child patient. Bassinets for the newborn in a maternity unit nursery, beds in labor rooms, recovery rooms, and other beds used exclusively for emergency purposes are not included in this definition.
Hospital bed means a bed that is regularly maintained and staffed for the accommodation and full-time care of inpatients and is situated inwards or a part of the hospital where continuous medical care for inpatients is provided;
Hospital bed means a hospital accommodation which is ready for immediate occupancy, or is capable of being made ready for occupancy within 48 hours, excluding provision of staffing, and which conforms to minimum space, equipment, and furnishings standards as specified by rule of the agency for the provision of services specified in this section to a single patient.
Hospital bed means the bed and associated facilities provided by a hospital for the provision of health services to a patient on a live-in basis;
Hospital bed means a hospital accommodation