Hospital bed definition
Examples of Hospital bed in a sentence
Admission Begins the first day a Covered Person becomes a registered Hospital bed patient or a Skilled Nursing Facility patient and continues until he is discharged.
Charges for Physician or Hospital bed patient services (other than diagnostic x-ray and laboratory tests and charges for Physical Therapy) if admission was primarily for diagnostic reasons or for Physical Therapy, and if such services could have been provided adequately on an outpatient basis without endangering the patient’s health.
The treating Medical Practitioner confirms in writing that the Insured Person’s condition was such that the Insured Person could not be transferred to a Hospital OR the Insured Person satisfies Us that a Hospital bed was unavailable.
Covered Services are limited to those You are eligible to receive as a Hospital bed patient and that would otherwise require confinement in a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility and also include the following services.
A Hospital bed was unavailable; Provided that, the treatment of the Insured Person continues for at least 3 days, in which case the reasonable cost of any Medically Necessary treatment for the entire period shall be payable.