Single Rooms Sample Clauses

Single RoomsA limited number of Small Singles and Xxxxxxx Xxxx Singles are available. The single room process gives priority to medical needs and to returning sophomore students. A new student may get on the Room Change/Single List through his/her Resident Director once the halls have opened for the semester. At that point, the Resident Director will assign available small singles, super singles, and Xxxxxxx Singles using the Room Change/Single List. There is an additional charge for small or super singles and Xxxxxxx Xxxx suite-singles. See License Agreement and Contract.
Single Rooms. Single rooms are assigned on a priority basis according to students’ approved housing accommodations and availability of space. Not all requests can be honored.
Single RoomsSingle occupancy may be available, as space permits. Residents with documented accommodations will receive priority in single room assignments. Any residents living in single rooms without a documented accommodation may be removed from their single room and into a double occupancy room with another resident if the single room is required for a student with a documented accommodation. All residents in a single room assignment agree to pay the published single room rate for the academic year.
Single RoomsA student resident may request a single room on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability. The University reserves the right to assign a student to a single room for uniquenecessary reasons. When the University finds it necessary to assign a single occupant to a double room or allows only one occupant to remain in a room normally occupied by two (2) persons, the Housing & Residential Education charge will be computed into a single room rate from the date that theperson occupied the room as a single, except where no roommates are available elsewhere in the housing system. Residents who find themselves without a roommate have three (3) choices: a) elect to contract for the same accommodations for the remainder of that semester and pay the single room rates, or b) consolidate with another resident of their own choosing, who is also a single occupant in a double room, or c) consolidate with a roommate chosen by the Housing & Residential Education staff. Students living alone will be charged at the single occupant rate. As of October 1, 2017, Housing & Residential Education states students with disabilities approved for single rooms, or other requested accommodations required by UNC’s Disability Resource Center, as housing accommodations are not charged a supplemental single-room premium or room buyout charge solely because of the need for the accommodation.
Single Rooms. These accommodations shall provide single room accommodation for each employee.
Single Rooms. Clean your bedroom: wipe mattress platform, all furniture drawers, tops shelves, vacuum windowsill, window screen and floor. Wash walls, windows and floors. • Pull out your bed and clean under and behind it. • Clean the kitchen area: empty and wash fridge, desk, shelves, sweep and wash floor, wipe out cupboards and drawers. • Clean and sanitize the bathrooms: sink, shower curtain, wash out drawers, wipe mirrors, sweep floor, wash walls and floors. Please do not use abrasive cleaners. Refunds, less any deductions for damages, cleaning, outstanding College fees, will take six to eight weeks to process. You will receive the refund in the form of a cheque. Please make sure we have your forwarding address. COMMUNITY LIVING One of the best things about our community is that you are all students, striving to be successful academically, while enjoying the housing environment. These two persuits can occasionally cause conflict. Those studying or resting want it to be quiet, while those wanting to enjoy life can be loud. Because we are an academic community, study and rest take priority. An essential balance between tolerance and respect is required to make the community successful. To find this balance, all of the members of the community need to work together. Please respect your neighbours right to quiet study time. Please also recognize that tolerance is required of all residents and that there will be times when it will be slightly louder than you prefer. KEY POLICY In order to provide you with a safe and secure environment, students living in Student Housing are required to safeguard their keys at all times. Students have the responsibility to keep bedroom and apartment doors locked, not to give out keys, and not to prop doors open or allow strangers in. PROCEDURES FOR SAFE-GUARDING KEYS If you find that you have left you keys in your room, you will need to come to the office and sign out a key. You will then have 24 hours to return that key, or you will be charged for a new one. Don’t make this a habit. You are allowed two “free” entries and after that, students are charged the cost of a replacement key each time you forget your keys. Report lost keys immediately. Please advise the Student Housing office of any lost keys as soon as you are aware they have gone missing. If lost keys go unreported, the right to a safe and secure environment may be jeopardized. Unre- ported lost keys will be considered non-returned keys, and therefore all charges associated with...
Single Rooms. Single rooms are assigned on a priority basis according to the date of request for a single Room and the availability of a single room. University Housing determines when a Room may be used as a single room. If the resident wishes to change the Room from a single-Room rate to a double-Room rate, it is the resident's responsibility to secure a roommate who meets all eligibility requirements. The single-Room rate will apply until a roommate checks in, or the resident transfers into another double Room with a vacancy.
Single Rooms. Contingent upon availability, you may request single rooms. Single room charges are billed from the date you checked in to the single room.
Single RoomsA student may request a single room on a first-come, first-served basis subject to availability. The University reserves the right to assign a student to a single room for unique necessary reasons. When the University finds it necessary to assign a single occupant to a double room or allows only one occupant to remain in a room normally occupied by two (2) persons, the room rate charge will be computed based on the single room rate from the date that the student occupied the room as a single, except where no roommates are available elsewhere in the housing system. Students who occupy a single room without a roommate have three (3) choices: (A) remain in the double room for the remainder of the semester and pay the single room rates, (B) consolidate with another resident of their own choosing, who is also a single occupant in a double room (each of whom will be charged the double room rate), or(C) consolidate with a roommate chosen by HRE staff (each of whom will be charged the double room rate.) Students living alone will be charged at the single occupant rate. Where DRC approves an accommodation for a student with a disability by assignment to a single room, the student is not charged a supplemental single-room premium or room buyout charge.
Single RoomsThe Parties will monitor the provision of single rooms to Players whilst travelling, and investigate ways to provide single rooms to all Players without subjecting clubs to substantial increases in costs, for example through image rights agreements with hotel providers.