Examples of Shared Ownership Units in a sentence
Members were reminded that planning permission had been received in June, 2020 for a mixed use scheme including 100 residential units, of which, fourteen had been identified as Affordable Rented Units and six had been identified as Affordable Shared Ownership Units.
Mark Taylor, Deputy Chief Executive had submitted a note declaring an interest in items 4 and 11 (Purchase of Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership Units – Northicote Development (WV Living) due to being a Director of WV Living.
The Section 106 Agreement specifies the proportion of Shared Ownership Units and Social Rented Units that should be provided.
In the event construction of any of the Dwellings starts, the Owner undertakes to the Council to construct the Affordable Rent Units, Other Affordable Units and the Shared Ownership Units in the locations and with the floorspace, number of bedrooms and size of bedrooms as specified on the attached plan numbered *.
There are currently 47 Shared Ownership Units within the Association's stock.