Examples of Housing search in a sentence
Housing search is classified as job readiness, which is a core activity.
Housing search assistance can be provided by the PHA, the CoC or other entities, with these responsibilities outlined in the MOU.
Housing search assistance can help EHV participants successfully move to areas of higher opportunity, as well as broaden the pool of landlords participating in the EHV program, including culturally or racially diverse landlords and landlords with smaller numbers of units.
Such trademarks are valid in perpetuity, given that the renewal fees are paid every ten years.
The services fee can be used for:• Housing search assistance;• Tenant fees including security and utility deposit assistance, rental application fees, and holding fees;• Owner recruitment and outreach as well as incentive and retention payments; and• Other eligible uses to help families successfully lease up, including moving expenses, tenant readiness services, essential household items, and renter’s insurance if required by the family’s lease.
Documentation may include payroll information from a payroll service or a payroll ledger from Grantee’s accounting system of the staff who provide services to ESG participants, such as:• Housing search and placement;• Housing stability case management; and/or• Mediation.
Housing search, if the family is homeless (or about to become homeless), may be approved for the second parent in a two-parent family, if the first parent is participating in a core activity at least thirty (30) hours per week.
Housing search assistance is a broad term which may include many activities such as but not limited to helping a family identify and visit potentially available units during their housing search, helping to find a unit that meets the household’s disability-related needs, providing transportation and directions, assisting with the completion of rental applications and PHA forms, and helping to expedite the EHV leasing process forthe family.
Housing search assistanceIn-kind emergency assistanceFood, clothing, transportation, furniture, medical careCash assistance to maintain or obtain housing1.
Services: Housing search and placement, housing stability case management, mediation, legal services, and credit repair.