Rape Crisis Center means an office, institution, or center offering assistance to victims of sexual offenses through crisis intervention, medical and legal information, and follow-up counseling.
Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.
Cost center means a cost category delineated by cost reporting forms prescribed by the office.
Airport means public-use airport open to the public without prior permission and without restrictions within the physical capacities of available facilities.
Child care center means an entity that regularly provides child day care and early learning services for a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours licensed by the Washington state department of early learning under chapter 170-295 WAC.
Cohabitant means the same as that term is defined in Section 78B-7-102.
Person-Centered Service Plan means the details of the supports, desired outcomes, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve and maintain personal goals, health, and safety, as described in OAR 411-004-0030.
Schengen area means the area without internal borders comprising the territories of the Member States as defined in point (a) applying the Schengen acquis in full.
child care centre means a building used for the daily accommodation and care of 6 or more children under 18 years of age in the absence of their parents or guardians;
Orthotics means the science and practice of evaluating, measuring, designing, fabricating, assembling, fitting, adjusting, or servicing an orthosis under a prescription from a licensed physician for the correction or alleviation of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction, disease, injury, or deformity;
Person-centered planning means a process for planning and supporting the consumer receiving services that builds on the individual’s capacity to engage in activities that promote community life and that honors the consumer’s preferences, choices, and abilities. The person-centered planning process involves families, friends, and professionals as the consumer desires or requires.
Enslavement means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and children;
URGENT CARE CENTER means a healthcare center either affiliated with a hospital or other institution or independently owned and operated. These centers may also be referred to as walk-in centers.
Child Caregiver means an individual providing basic childcare service needs for Your minor children under the age of 18 while You are on the Trip without the minor children. The arrangement of being the Child Caregiver while You are on the Trip must be made 30 or more days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date.
Hospital means a facility that:
Combatant Commander means the commander of a unified or specified combatant command established in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 161.
Airports means Chicago O’Hare International Airport and Chicago Midway International Airport.
Data Center(s) means the site or sites at which the Software will be hosted to provide the Authorized Services to Customers. Such site or sites shall at all times be owned or controlled by the Provider.
Prisoner means any individual involuntarily confined or detained in a penal institution. The term is intended to encompass individuals sentenced to such an institution under a criminal or civil statute, individuals detained in other facilities by virtue of statutes or commitment procedures which provide alternatives to criminal prosecution or incarceration in a penal institution, and individuals detained pending arraignment, trial, or sentencing.
Hospitals means either an employee when engaged in repairs, demolition and / or maintenance in any block or portion of a hospital used for the care or treatment of patients suffering from infections or contagious diseases or when an employee is working inside a morgue in which one (1) or more dead bodies are not in refrigeration. Inclement weather will mean the existence of rain or abnormal climatic conditions (whether they be those of hail, snow, cold, high wind, severe dust storm, extreme high temperature or the like or any combination thereof) by virtue of which it is either not reasonable or not safe for employees to continue working whilst the same prevail. Industry allowance means an allowance to compensate for the following disabilities associated with construction work: Insulation includes handling charcoal, pumice, granulated cork, silicate of cotton, insulwool, slag wool, limpet fibre, vermiculite or other recognise insulating materials of a like nature, associated with similar disability in its use. This will also apply where an employee is working in the immediate vicinity who is affected by the use of such materials. Irrigation installer means an employee employed or usually employed in executing any irrigation plumbing. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing such work will include the following: Lagger means a person that insulates or clads ducts, pipes, valves or any other thing used in or in connection with the plumbing and air conditioning industry for the protection of thermal and or acoustics.
Trauma Center or "designated trauma center" means a licensed hospital, accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, which has been designated as a Level I, II, III, or IV trauma center and/or Level I or II pediatric trauma center by the local EMS agency, in accordance with California Trauma Care System Regulations.
Behavioral health disorder means either a mental disorder
Birth center means a facility or institution, which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital or in a hospital, in which births are planned to occur following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy.
Isocenter means the center of the sphere through which the useful beam axis passes while the gantry moves through its full range of motions.
Medical cannabis pharmacy means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Person centered care means care that: