Initiating TSO definition
Examples of Initiating TSO in a sentence
For the purpose of defining the roles for the Matching Process, the Parties agree that TAP shall be the Initiating TSO and DESFA shall be the Matching TSO.1 Matching Process for nominationsThe Parties agree that the Matching Process will be performed in respect of each Gas Day.
Matching Process The Parties agree that Matching Processes shall be performed to check the correspondence between the quantities nominated or renominated by each ICGB Shipper and TAP Shipper.For the purpose of defining the roles for the Matching Process, the Parties agree that TAP shall be the Initiating TSO and ICGB shall be the Matching TSO.1 Matching Process for nominationsThe Parties agree that the Matching Process will be performed in respect of each Gas Day.
If the Initiating TSO does not receive the Confirmed Quantities by the deadline specified in article 5.2 for communication of the Confirmed Quantities to its Shippers, then the Initiating TSO will be entitled to communicate Confirmed Quantities equal to zero to each of its Shippers.
For the purpose of defining the roles for the Matching Process, the Parties agree that TAP shall be the Initiating TSO and SRG shall be the Matching TSO.
If during a re-nomination cycle the Matching TSO determines it has not received the Processed Quantities on time and, notwithstanding using its reasonable endeavours, it would be unable to meet the deadline for the communication of the Confirmed Quantities to the Initiating TSO, then it will perform the Matching Process using the most recently received valid information on the Processed Quantities from the Initiating TSO, for the Gas Day concerned.
For the purpose of defining the roles for the Matching Process, the Parties agree that DESFA shall be the Initiating TSO and ICGB shall be the Matching TSO.
If, for a given nomination cycle, the Initiating TSO does not provide any Processed Quantities or provides the Processed Quantities after the time required under Article 5.2, then for the purpose of performing the Matching Process the Processed Quantities from the Initiating TSO will be deemed to be zero for each DESFA Shipper.
If during a re-nomination cycle, the Initiating TSO determines it has not received the Confirmed Quantities and, notwithstanding using its reasonable endeavours, it would be unable to meet the deadline for the communication of the Confirmed Quantities to its Shippers then it will communicate the most recently received valid information on the Confirmed Quantities from the Matching TSO, for the Gas Day concerned.
This information shall be sent by the Initiating TSO using the appropriate edig@s message; if edig@s is unavailable, the Initiating TSO will use the form in Annex 4(a) (Matching Notice).
As in the case of physical arrangements, the length and frequency of meetings can affect the state of mind of the negotiators and either speed up or delay arriving at agreement.