Matching process. The process of comparing and aligning processed quantities of gas for network users at both sides of a specific interconnection point, which results in confirmed quantities for the network users.
Matching process. 5.3.1 IUK, as Matching TSO, shall match Nominations and Renominations by:
(a) determining whether NTS Nominations (or NTS Renominations) and IUK Nominations (or IUK Renominations) are corresponding in accordance with paragraph 5.3.2;
(b) for corresponding NTS Nominations (or NTS Renominations) and IUK Nominations (or IUK Renominations), determining the quantities for which they are matched in accordance with paragraph 5.3.3 and then determining the Confirmed Nomination Quantity by processing the matched quantity in accordance with paragraph 5.3.4; and
(c) communicating the Daily CNQ to National Grid Gas in accordance with paragraph 5.3.5.
5.3.2 A NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination) and an IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination) shall be determined as corresponding by IUK if:
(a) they relate to the same Gas Day;
(b) the ID Code of the Counterparty in a NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination) matches the ID Code of the IUK Shipper that submits (or is deemed to have submitted pursuant to a Single-Sided Nomination or Single-Sided Renomination) the corresponding IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination); and
(c) the ID Code of the Counterparty in an IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination) matches the ID Code of the National Grid Gas Shipper that submits the corresponding NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination).
5.3.3 The quantity for which a corresponding NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination) and IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination) are matched, for each hour, is:
(a) if the Effective Hourly Quantity under the NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination) is equal to the Hourly Quantity under the corresponding IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination), the Hourly Quantity;
(b) if the Effective Hourly Quantity under the NTS Nomination (or NTS Renomination) is not equal to the Hourly Quantity under the corresponding IUK Nomination (or IUK Renomination), the Hourly Quantity, except:
(i) where an Operator has notified the other Operator of the occurrence of an Exceptional Event (and until the cessation of an Exceptional Event at the time stated in a Resumption Notice), in which case the matched quantity shall be determined from the lesser of the Effective Hourly Quantity and the Hourly Quantity; or
(ii) in the case of National Grid Gas, the occurrence of an emergency under its Transportation Arrangements (and until the cessation of an emergency at the time notified by National Grid Gas to IUK), in which case the matched quantity shall be determined from the lesser of the Effective Hourly Quantit...
Matching process. 4.1 In relation to the “CFG Degree”, Master’s courses, and/or MLAs, following the Meeting and in accordance with the relevant schedule(s) as agreed between the parties during or following the Meeting, we shall send to you Profiles of Candidates who as closely as possible match the criteria communicated to us by you during the Meeting. The Candidates we recommend may be a Qualified Candidate or a Non-Qualified Candidate. You shall then communicate to us those Candidates (either a Qualified Candidate or not) who you wish to be put in contact with.
4.2 Subject to the express consent of the relevant Candidate(s), we shall put you in contact with the Candidate(s) and use reasonable endeavours to facilitate further meetings and discussions between you and such Candidate(s).
4.3 You shall notify us in writing of those Candidate(s), subject to the maximum number of Programme Credits applicable and then outstanding at the time, whom you have met with or interviewed and to whom you wish to make:
(a) an offer of sponsorship of a place on a specified Programme(s); and/or
(b) an offer of employment, including details of any conditions attaching to such offer, in each case, an “Offer”.
4.4 In the case of any Non-Qualified Candidate(s), we shall send to such Non-Qualified Candidate(s) an indicative letter agreement informing them of their Offer.
4.5 Any such Non-Qualified Candidate(s) who agree in writing to their Offer shall be a “CFG Participant(s)”.
4.6 In respect of any CFG Participant(s) to whom you have indicated you shall make an Offer pursuant to Clause 4.3(b) you shall as soon as practicable issue to such CFG Participant(s) an offer of employment, including details of any employment terms (the “Employment Offer”).
4.7 In respect of any relevant Qualified Candidate, you shall as soon as reasonably practicable provide such Qualified Candidate with an Employment Offer, which shall not be conditional on the completion of a Programme. Any such Qualified Candidate who accepts their Employment Offer in writing and fulfils any conditions set out in the Employment Offer by you shall be a “Qualified Hire”.
4.8 The number of Programme Credits of the applicable type outstanding from time to time shall be reduced by the number of Qualified Hires and the number of Participants who have completed or are participating on a specific Programme.
4.9 In the event that any Candidate(s) declines an Offer, you shall as soon as reasonably practical identify any further Candidate(s) whi...
Matching process. (a) Mentors and Mentees will be matched using the criteria contained in the Application Form for the Mentor Program. The Program Committee will suggest matches between Mentors and Mentees and process the approval.
(b) Whilst every effort will endeavour to match a Mentee with a Mentor in the same town or city it is not always possible due to requirements of Mentee and the expertise of the Mentor.
(c) Each participant will be contacted to ensure that they will be comfortable with their initial match. The Program Manager will be available to assist both Mentors and Mentees.
(d) Xxxxxxxxx is not intended to replace the role of the manager. Whilst a Xxxxxx’s manager is responsible for setting work goals and ensuring they are achieved, the Mentor focuses on their overall career development support.
Matching process. 4.3.1 Interconnector, as Matching TSO, shall match Nominations and Renominations by:
(a) determining whether NTS Nominations (or NTS Renominations) and Interconnector Nominations (or Interconnector Renominations) are corresponding in accordance with paragraph 4.3.2;
Matching process. 4.3.1. Bulgartransgaz shall be the Initiating Transmission System Operator (ITSO).
4.3.2. DESFA shall be the Matching Transmission System Operator (MTSO).
4.3.3. The Network Users active at either (or both) side(s) of the IP are entitled to submit to the respective TSO(s):
(a) nominations until 15.00 local time of the Day (D-1), immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), and
(b) re-nominations, between 17:00 local time of the Day (D-1) immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), and 04:00 local time of the Day concerned (D). A re-nomination cycle starts at the start of every hour, between 18:00 local time of day D- 1 and 04:00 local time of day D. During each re-nomination cycle, the notification and matching procedure according to paragraphs 4.3.4, 4.3.5 and 4.3.6 shall apply.
4.3.4 ITSO and MTSO shall calculate, independently of each other, the capacity which could be interrupted per each Network User and Natural Gas Flow direction, by implementing the procedure of paragraphs through below: Not later than 15 minutes upon the nomination deadline or the start of each re-nomination cycle, the Parties shall exchange information on the quantity nominated to flow through the IP, during the Day D, per each Pair of Network Users and Natural Gas flow direction, through a DELORD message, according to Xxxx@x XML format. Based on the above information, each Party shall calculate the preliminary Processed Quantities per each Network User and Natural Gas flow direction, by applying the lesser rule on the Natural Gas quantities nominated (per each Pair of Network Users and Natural Gas flow direction) at either side of the IP. In case a Network User is part of more than one Pair of Network Users, its preliminary Processed Quantity, per each Natural Gas flow direction, is calculated as the sum of the results of the application of the "lesser rule" on the Natural Gas quantities nominated by the said Network User and its counterparty, active at the other side of the IP, at the specific Natural Gas flow direction. Based on the results of paragraph above, each Party shall calculate the expected physical Natural Gas flow through the IP (magnitude, direction) as the difference of the preliminary Processed Quantities of the Network Users, active at their side of the IP, during the Day D, in Forward and Reverse Flow Direction. Each Party shall specify the total capacity which could be interrupted during the Day D, by sub...
Matching process. 4.3.1. Bulgartransgaz shall be the Initiating Transmission System Operator (ITSO).
4.3.2. DESFA shall be the Matching Transmission System Operator (MTSO).
4.3.3. The Network Users active at either (or both) side(s) of the IP are entitled to submit to the respective TSO(s):
(a) nominations until 15.00 local time of the Day (D-1), immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), and
(b) re-nominations, between 17:00 local time of the Day (D-1) immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), and 04:00 local time of the Day concerned (D). A re-nomination cycle starts at the start of every hour, between 18:00 local time of day D-1 and 04:00 local time of day D. During each re-nomination cycle, the notification and matching procedure according to paragraphs 4.3.4, 4.3.5 and 4.3.6 shall apply.
Matching process. 4.3.1. Bulgartransgaz shall be the Initiating Transmission System Operator.
4.3.2. DESFA shall be the Matching Transmission System Operator.
4.3.3. Not later than 21.15 local time of the Day - immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), the Initiating Transmission System Operator and the Matching Transmission System Operator shall exchange information on the Processed Quantity that has been scheduled for delivery/offtake, per each Pair of Network Users, during the Day D. Said information shall be communicated in the form of Annex 2A.
4.3.4. Per each Pair of Network Users, the Matching Transmission System Operator shall compare the Processed Quantity that has been scheduled for delivery/offtake, at each side of the IP. In case of different Processed Quantities at either side of the IP, the lesser rule will be applied.
4.3.5. Not later than 22:00 local time of the Day immediately preceding the Day concerned (D), the Matching Transmission System Operator shall inform the Initiating Transmission System Operator on the Natural Gas quantity confirmed for transmission at the IP, per each Pair of Network Users, during the Day D. Said information shall be communicated to BULGARTRANSGAZ in the form of Annex 2B.
Matching process. Matching Process" is defined as the automatic process of matching passengers and vehicles.
Matching process. The Parties agree that Matching Processes shall be performed to check the correspondence between the quantities nominated or re-nominated by each DESFA Shipper and ICGB Shipper. For the purpose of defining the roles for the Matching Process, the Parties agree that DESFA shall be the Initiating TSO and ICGB shall be the Matching TSO.
5.1 Matching Process for nominations
(a) The Initiating and the Matching TSO will calculate and send the Processed Quantities of each Pair of Shippers to the Matching TSO in accordance to the deadline defined in Article 5.2.
(b) The Matching TSO will calculate and send the Confirmed Quantities of each Pair of Shippers to the Initiating TSO in accordance to the deadline defined in Article 5.2.
(c) Each of the Parties will communicate to its Shippers the relevant Confirmed Quantities in accordance to the deadline defined in Article 5.2.
5.2 Timeline for nomination and Matching Process Deadline UTC winter time UTC day light saving
5.3 Matching Process for re-nominations Deadline Minutes