Examples of Intensely Developed Areas in a sentence
This line should also be assessed for issues related to mapping, Resource Protection Areas (RPA), Resource Management Areas (RMA), Intensely Developed Areas and site specific refinement of CBPA boundaries.
New, expanded or redeveloped industrial or port-related facilities and the replacement of these facilities may be permitted only in those portions of Intensely Developed Areas that have been designated as Special Buffer Areas as described in this ordinance and are subject to the provisions set forth in that section.
Portions of RPAs and RMAs designated by the Board of Supervisors as Intensely Developed Areas (IDA) shall serve as redevelopment areas.
In addition, the Town regulates stormwater management through its Critical Area Protection Program for Intensely Developed Areas (IDAs) within the Critical Area.
Although much less convenient for the scanning itself, it makes the occlusion detection trivial by simply ignoring dark regions in the input pictures.