Examples of Interface Control Document in a sentence
Definition of the orbit accuracy underlying a particular orbit message is outside of the scope of this Recommended Standard and should be specified via Interface Control Document (ICD) between data exchange participants (or specified via COMMENT sections in the message itself).
It is recommended that the transmission method be documented in an Interface Control Document (ICD) between the exchange partners.
The means of transmission of an XML-formatted NDM between exchange participants is beyond the scope of this document; such arrangements require specification via other arrangements, for example, in an Interface Control Document (ICD).
Facilities with more than 40% of the total score but less than 59% are awarded Bronze Eco-rating, more than 60% but less than 79% are awarded Silver Eco-rating whereas those attaining than 80% are awarded Gold Eco- rating.
For example, a third-party vendor would check their software into the Sandbox, verify that the software was compatible with the baseline executable, API, Interface Control Document (ICD), and Security Checks within DoD Policy facilitating risk reduction and maturation of third-party vendor software into our Product Line.