Interview panel definition

Interview panel means a group of persons appointed in terms of regulation 22, 23 or 24 to interview shortlisted candidates;
Interview panel means a construction services award panel set forth in section 4b- 100a of the Connecticut General Statutes, that submits a list of recommended design-build teams or special legislation contractors to the commissioner;
Interview panel means a panel appointed by the Administrator of the Division to interview applicants who have submitted proposals pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 338.1692 and have been selected for interviews by the public body or its authorized representative pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 338.1693.

Examples of Interview panel in a sentence

  • The procedures to be used by the panels, including the Interview panel if an interview stage is included in the process, must be set out in advance of the receipt of submissions.

  • Interview panel members should use whole numbers only – no fractions or percentage points.

  • Interview panel members may ask job-related follow-up questions during the interview as appropriate.

  • Interview panel members will individually complete a scoresheet for each candidate and make any comments.

  • Interview panel recommendation – a recommendation resulting from performance of applicants in the interview.

  • Interview panel members must not conduct their own research into candidates, for example by doing internet searches against their names or other known details about them.

  • Establish the same requirements for Interview panel as established for Evaluation Panels in Section 4.1 (e.g.individuals must be at the same grade or higher or equivalent; consist of 3 or more who are knowledge of the position, etc.) Unsuccessful efforts to contact candidates, declination of interviews, not reporting for interviews, etc., must be documented by the selecting official and maintained with the merit promotion case file.

  • Interview panel for position of head of department and other management cadres 24.

  • As a tournament team requires an accelerated level of player talent, it is the duty of the Commissioner Interview panel to make sure the coaching staff is at the same level.

  • Secretary of Interview panel (Senior Executive, HR) tabulates the interview outcomes / scores and prepares the interview report.

More Definitions of Interview panel

Interview panel means the City Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Auditor General in their capacity interviewing candidates for the Integrity Commissioner position and selecting a preferred candidate.
Interview panel means the individuals appointed, in accordance with this policy and any other relevant procedures or policies, to interview candidates for the position of Chief Administrative Officer or Integrity Commissioner.
Interview panel means the panel of individuals created to interview applicants for a position. It is assumed for the purposes of this Ordinance that the Interview Panel has the authority to recommend applicants for hire, but does not have the authority to hire.
Interview panel means a panel appointed by the Chief consisting of not less than three
Interview panel means a panel appointed by the Chief consisting of not less than three (3) persons to interview applicants in respect of hiring/and or promotional opportunities w ithin the Service;

Related to Interview panel

  • Review Panel means the panel, if any, appointed pursuant toRule 710 to review a completed Investigation Report and to determine whether a reasonable basis exists for finding a violation of the Rules and authorizing the issuance of a notice of charge pursuant to Rule 706.

  • Company Representative means the person or persons appointed and approved in writing from time to time by the Company to act on its behalf for overall co- ordination.

  • Appeals Committee means a Committee or Tribunal duly appointed by by-law to conduct hearings under this By-law;

  • Designated Representatives means the Subordination Agent Representatives, the Trustee Representatives and the Provider Representatives identified under Section 2.5.

  • independent review committee means the independent review committee of the investment fund established under National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds;

  • Architectural Review Committee or “ARC” shall mean the architectural review committee established by the Organization to review plans submitted to the Organization for architectural review.

  • Hearing Panel means a panel responsible for adjudicating disciplinary cases pursuant to a Notice of Charges authorized by a Review Panel.

  • Claimant means a person who believes that he or she is being denied a benefit to which he or she is entitled hereunder.

  • Investigating Committee means any Officer/Committee appointed by Competent Authority to conduct investigation.

  • Search Committee means the Search Committee set up by the Senate under section 15 (2);

  • Review Committee or “Committee” means a committee established pursuant to rule Chapter 67-60, F.A.C.

  • Appeals Panel means a panel appointed by the Chief Compliance Officer pursuant to Rule 620.

  • Contractor’s Representative means the individual authorised to act on behalf of the Contractor for the purposes of the Contract. The initial Contractor’s representative is as indicated in the Form of Agreement.

  • Claims Administrator means the firm proposed by Class Counsel and appointed by the Courts to administer the Settlement Amount in accordance with the provisions of this Settlement Agreement and the Distribution Protocol, and any employees of such firm.

  • Mediator means an individual who conducts a mediation.

  • New employee orientation means the onboarding process of a newly hired public employee, whether in person, online, or through other means or mediums, in which employees are advised of their employment status, rights, benefits, duties and responsibilities, or any other employment-related matters.