Examples of Interview Panel in a sentence
Interview panel members should use whole numbers only – no fractions or percentage points.
Interview panel members will have access to the application packets submitted by each candidate as well as applicable scores on the employment exams.
Interview panel members may ask job-related follow-up questions during the interview as appropriate.
Interview panel members will individually complete a scoresheet for each candidate and make any comments.
The Interview panel will consist of a minimum of two interviewers, one of whom will be the safeguarding representative.
Those applicants who meet the necessary requirements shall be interviewed by an Interview panel consisting of two (2) appointees of the Employer; and (1) employee member of the bargaining unit.
The Interview panel includes at least one person who has completed Safer Recruitment Training.
Interview panel recommendation – a recommendation resulting from performance of applicants in the interview.
The interview will be carried out in English via teleconferencing or over the internet (e.g. using Zoom or Skype) by the Interview panel.
Establish the same requirements for Interview panel as established for Evaluation Panels in Section 4.1 (e.g.individuals must be at the same grade or higher or equivalent; consist of 3 or more who are knowledge of the position, etc.) Unsuccessful efforts to contact candidates, declination of interviews, not reporting for interviews, etc., must be documented by the selecting official and maintained with the merit promotion case file.