Kickbacks means an illicit payment made in return for facilitating a transaction, procurement of a project or furthering of a business.
Kickbacks means gifts, favors or payments to improperly influence procurement decisions.
Kickbacks means any money, fee commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind, which is provided directly or indirectly, for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment.
Examples of Kickbacks in a sentence
No Kickbacks or Gratuities Affidavit and Ethical Standards Affidavit, and Xxxxxxxxx re Contingent Fees, Current Business License This reminder must be signed and returned in the bid.
More Definitions of Kickbacks
Kickbacks means a form of negotiated bribery in which a commission is paid to the bribe taker, in exchange for services rendered. The remuneration (money, goods or services handed over) is negotiated ahead of time.
Kickbacks means a payment or commission made in return for facilitating a transaction, procurement of a project or furthering of a business.
Kickbacks means an illicit payment or commission made in return for facilitating a transaction, procurement of a project or furthering of a Business.“Management”means the Management of Digi which includes directors, managers, heads of departments or any similar position;“Public Body”includes the following: (a) the Government of Malaysia;(b) the Government of a State;(c) any local authority and any other statutory authority;(d) any department, service or undertaking of the Government of Malaysia, the Government of a State, or a local authority;(e) any society registered under subsection 7(1) of the Societies Act 1966;(f) any branch of a registered society established under section 12 of the Societies Act 1966;(g) any sports body registered under section 17 of the Sports Development Act 1997;(h) any co-operative society registered under section 7 of the Co-operative Societies Act 1993;(i) any trade union registered under section 12 of the Trade Unions Act 1959;(j) any youth society registered under section 9 of the Youth Societies and Youth Development Act 2007;(k) any company or subsidiary company over which or in which any public body as is referred to in paragraph (a) to (j) has controlling power or interest; or(l) any society, union, organization or body as the Minister responsible for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission may prescribe from time to time.POLICYAnti-Corruption Valid from: 2020.05.29Page: 3 of 8
Kickbacks means and includes payments made in return for a business favour or advantage;
Kickbacks means gifts, favors or payments to improperly influence procurement decisions. "Legal entity" means an entity, other than a natural person, which has sufficient existence in legal
Kickbacks means payment or offering services with the intent to influence or gain something in return from a legal entity or a natural person. "Відкат" передбачає виплату чи пропозицію послуг з метою здійснення впливу чи набуття чогось натомість від юридичної чи фізичної особи.
Kickbacks means to the act of giving or accepting of money, gifts, or anything of value that is provided in return for favourable treatment. It is a form of negotiated bribery in which a commission is paid to the bribe-taker as a quid pro quo for services rendered, which is not legal. It describes the way a recipient of illegal gain “kicks back” a portion of it to another person for that person’s assistance in obtaining it. The kickback varies from other kinds of bribes in that there is implied collusion between agents of the two parties, rather than one party extorting the bribe from the other.