Examples of Landscape designer in a sentence
An Amended Landscape Plan, prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer, to a scale of 1:100 or 1:200, conforming to the conditions of this Development Consent is to be submitted to Council for approval prior to issue of the Construction Certificate.
The homeowner, as well as the Architect, Home Designer, Landscape Designer, and Builder shall sign the Certificate of Compliance (Attachment III) prior to the commencement of any work.
The Landscape Designer shall ensure that local code requirements are satisfied and shall coordinate all discussions involved with regulations, criteria or policies of local agencies.
An amended Landscape Plan, prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer, to a scale of 1:100 or 1:200, reflecting the modifications made in the amended plans and conforming to the conditions of this development consent, is to be submitted for approval with the application for a Construction Certificate.
Once finalized by U.S. Forces Japan, the list is reviewed by U.S. Pacific Command and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (AT&L)).
Kristina Boe, Landscape Designer, gave a presentation on Dorris Ranch master plan proposed revisions.
Certification shall be provided from a suitably qualified and experienced Landscape Designer or Landscape Architect.
PROVIDE:Submittal Form Three checked as a CD submittal, completed by owner or owner’s representative.Revised Site Survey if items have been changed since DD Review.LANDSCAPE PLAN: Plans, material lists and planting details should be prepared by a Licensed Landscape Architect or Landscape Designer.
The applicant must engage a suitably qualified Landscape Designer or Landscape Architect to oversee any design changes to the approved Landscape Plan and amendments required above.
The Pre-Design Meeting will not be scheduled until both the Architect or Professional Designer and the Landscape Architect or Professional Landscape Designer have been approved.