Level of Care Determination definition
Examples of Level of Care Determination in a sentence
Michigan’s Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination (NFLOCD) tool will be used to determine in which Tier an enrollee will be placed.
The Michigan Medicaid Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination must be completed by a health care professional.
ICOs will also be required to complete the Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination (NFLOCD) tool and submit to CHAMPS for final approval of whether the individual meets nursing facility level of care (NFLOC).No. Contracted entities do not perform waiver operational and administrative functions on behalf of the Medicaid agency and/or the operating agency (if applicable).
All applicants for MI Choice must meet nursing facility level of care requirements as determined by a qualified professional through an evaluation using the Michigan Medicaid Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination (LOCD).
The OHCA Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU) uses the LTC-7 form (Disability and ICF/IID Level of Care Determination for a DHS/DDS Waiver) to determine an individual's institutional level of care need.