Medical examination means the preliminary assessment of a person by an authorized health worker or by a person under the direct supervision of the competent authority, to determine the person’s health status and potential public health risk to others, and may include the scrutiny of health documents, and a physical examination when justified by the circumstances of the individual case;
Practical examination means a demonstration through application of the safety rules and principles in industrial radiography including use of all procedures and equipment to be used by radiographic personnel.
Physical examination means the assessment of an individual’s health by a professional licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy, or by an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant.
Initial Environmental Examination or “IEE” means the initial environmental examination for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by the Borrower and cleared by ADB;
Qualifying Examination means examinations on the basis of which a candidate becomes eligible for admission or its equivalent examination;
Due Diligence Examination shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.
National examination means the examinations developed and administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and approved by the board for licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.
Development Application means the development application identified in Item 5 of Schedule 1 and includes all plans, reports models, photomontages, material boards (as amended supplemented) submitted to the consent authority before the determination of that Development Application.
Controller of Examinations means the Controller of Examinations of the University;
Licensure means the status of a licensee when OCCL issued a child care license when the applicant demonstrated compliance with these regulations and applicable codes, regulations, and laws.
Approval Application means a BLA, NDA or similar application or submission for a Product filed with a Regulatory Authority in a country or group of countries to obtain marketing approval for a biological or pharmaceutical product in that country or group of countries.
Regulatory Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.
Regulatory Approval Application means any application submitted to an appropriate Regulatory Authority seeking any Regulatory Approval.
Geotechnical engineer means a professional engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories and whose principal field of specialization is the design and construction of earthworks in a permafrost environment;
Research record means any data, document, computer file, computer diskette, or any other written or non-written account or object that reasonably may be expected to provide evidence or information regarding the proposed, conducted, or reported research that constitutes the subject of an allegation of research misconduct. A research record includes, but is not limited to, grant or contract applications, whether funded or unfunded; grant or contract progress and other reports; laboratory notebooks; notes; correspondence; videos; photographs; X-ray film; slides; biological materials; computer files and printouts; manuscripts and publications; equipment use logs; laboratory procurement records; animal facility records; human and animal subject protocols; consent forms; medical charts; and patient research files.
Engineering means the application of scientific knowledge for the design, control, or use of building structures, equipment, or apparatus.
Forensic analysis means the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes in a manner that maintains the integrity of the data.
Laboratory or “LANL” means the geographical location of Los Alamos National Laboratory, a federally funded research and development center owned by the DOE / NNSA.
Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation means the “Base Flood Elevation” plus the “Freeboard”. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus two (2) feet of freeboard. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade.
Telemedicine means the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between the patient at the originating site and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment. For purposes of this section only, "telemedicine" does not include the use of audio-only telephone, facsimile, or email.
Property Reinvestment Application means, with respect to any Transfer of property, the application of an amount equal to the Net Proceeds Amount with respect to such Transfer to the acquisition by the Company of operating assets of the Company to be used in the principal business of the Company.
Validation as used in WAC 222-20-016, means the department's agreement that a small forest landowner has correctly identified and classified resources, and satisfactorily completed a roads assessment for the geographic area described in Step 1 of a long-term application.
Approved laboratory means a laboratory that is listed in the national conference of interstate milk shipments list of sanitation compliance and enforcement ratings distributed by the United States food and drug administration and as approved by the director.
Architect/Engineer (A/E means a person registered as an architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Ann., Ch. 1051, as a landscape architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Ann., Ch. 1052, a person licensed as a professional engineer pursuant Tex. Occ. Code Ann., Ch. 1001, and/or a firm employed by Owner or Design-Build Contractor to provide professional architectural or engineering services and to exercise overall responsibility for the design of a Project or a significant portion thereof, and to perform the contract administration responsibilities set forth in the Contract.
Surveys has the meaning set forth in Section 4(o) above.
Examination Criteria means the loan classification criteria employed by, or any applicable regulations of, the Assuming Institution’s Chartering Authority at the time such action is taken, as such criteria may be amended from time to time.