Local Capacity definition

Local Capacity means any and all Resource Adequacy attributes or other locational attributes associated with the PDR(s) designated by Seller and comprised of LCA Customers pursuant to Section 1.4, from a Local Capacity Resource (as defined in CAISO Tariff) in Buyer’s Local Capacity Area, as applicable and as such attributes may be identified from time to time by the CPUC, CAISO, or other Governmental Body having jurisdiction, that can be counted toward Local RAR, which may be exclusive of any Flexible Capacity, as applicable to the Product.
Local Capacity means any and all resource adequacy attributes or other locational attributes associated with the PDR(s) or RDRRs designated by Seller and comprised of LCA Customers pursuant to Section 1.4, from a Local Capacity Resource (as defined in CAISO Tariff) in Buyer’s Local Capacity Area, as applicable and as such attributes may be identified from time to time by the CPUC, CAISO, or other Governmental Body having jurisdiction, that can be counted toward Local RAR, which may be exclusive of any Flexible Capacity, as applicable to the Product. “Local Capacity Area” or “LCA” means [the areas where LCA Customers are electrically interconnected to any of the PG&E LCA Substations ] [PG&E definition] [the areas where LCA Customers are electrically interconnected to any of the LA Basin LCA Substations and/or the Big Creek/Ventura LCA Substations.] [SCE definition]. “Local RAR” means the local resource adequacy requirements established for LSEs by the CPUC pursuant to the CPUC Decisions, or by any other Governmental Body having jurisdiction. Local RAR may also be known as local area reliability, local resource adequacy, local resource adequacy procurement requirements, or local capacity requirement in other regulatory proceedings or legislative actions. [“PG&E LCA Substations” means the substations located in Buyer’s service territory as designated in Schedule 1.1(b) and corresponding to the following LCAs as designated on Schedule 1.1(b): Kern, Stockton, Sierra, Other, North Coast/North Bay, Humboldt, Greater Fresno Area, and/or Greater Bay Area.][PG&E Definition] “Product” means any or all of System Capacity, Local Capacity and/or Flexible Capacity. The particular type of Product sold by Seller to Buyer under this Agreement is specified in Table 1.1(b). “Product Monthly Quantity” means the respective amount of each type of Product set forth in Exhibit E that Seller has agreed to provide to Buyer from the DRAM Resource for each day of the respective Showing Months. “Residential Customer” means a DRAM Resource Customer [which is a Single Family or Multi-Family Dwelling customer on a Domestic rate, including RV Parks, Residential Hotels, and Mobile Home Parks and includes electric vehicle charging for customers on Domestic Rate if separately metered, as such capitalized terms are defined in Rule 1] {For SCE} [which is a single family or multi- family dwelling customer on SDG&E domestic rate schedule "DR", "DR-TOU", "TOU-DR", "DR-SES", "DM", "DS", "DT", "DT-RV", "EV-TOU", o...
Local Capacity means any and all resource adequacy attributes or other locational attributes associated with the PDR(s) or RDRRs designated by Seller and comprised of LCA Customerspursuant to Section 1.4, from a Local Capacity Resource (as defined in CAISO Tariff) in Buyer’s Local Capacity Area, as applicable and as such attributes may be identified from time to time by the CPUC, CAISO, or other Governmental Body having jurisdiction, that can be counted toward Local RAR, which may be exclusive of any Flexible Capacity, as applicable to the Product.

Examples of Local Capacity in a sentence

  • Expressed as a formula, the allocation of Local Area Capacity Resource obligations will be as follows: (∑ Local Capacity Area MW in TAC Area from the Local Capacity Technical Study) * (LSE Demand in TAC Area at CAISO annual coincident peak Demand)/(Total TAC Area Demand at the time of CAISO annual coincident peak Demand).

  • On an annual basis, pursuant to the schedule set forth in the Business Practice Manual, the CAISO will, perform, and publish on the CAISO Website the Local Capacity Technical Study.

  • The Local Capacity Technical Study shall identify Local Capacity Areas, determine the minimum amount of Local Capacity Area Resources in MW that must be available to the CAISO within each identified Local Capacity Area, and identify the Generating Units within each identified Local Capacity Area.

  • If the CPUC does not adopt an allocation methodology, the CAISO will allocate Local Capacity Area Resources to Scheduling Coordinators for CPUC Load Serving Entities based on Section 40.3.2(a).

  • If a Load Serving Entity has procured Local Capacity Area Resources that satisfy generation capacity requirements for Local Capacity Areas, the Scheduling Coordinator for such Load Serving Entity shall include this information in its annual and monthly Resource Adequacy Plan(s).

  • The LSE may meet its MW responsibility, as assigned under this Section, for each TAC Area in which the LSE serves Load by procurement of that MW quantity in any Local Capacity Area in the TAC Area.

  • Scheduling Coordinators for Load Serving Entities may aggregate responsibilities for procurement of Local Capacity Area Resources.

  • Nothing in this Section 40 obligates any Scheduling Coordinator to demonstrate on behalf of a Load Serving Entity that the Load Serving Entity has procured Local Capacity Area Resources to satisfy capacity requirements for each Local Capacity Area identified in the technical study.

  • In addition to the requirements in Section 1.6(a), if Seller is electing Demonstrated Capacity for Local Capacity, then, as part of Seller’s Demonstrated Capacity for Local Capacity, Seller’s invoice shall indicate the number of SAID agreements in the applicable LCA that are associated with the Local Capacity as indicated in Table 1.1(b) and Exhibit C.

  • For Scheduling Coordinators for CPUC Load Serving Entities, the CAISO will allocate the Local Capacity Area Resource obligation based on an allocation methodology, if any, adopted by the CPUC.

Related to Local Capacity

  • New Capacity means a new Generator, a substantial addition to the capacity of an existing Generator, or the reactivation of all or a portion of a Generator that has been out of service for five years or more that commences commercial service after the effective date of this definition. For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Offer Floor” for a Mitigated Capacity Zone Installed Capacity Supplier that is not a Special Case Resource shall mean the lesser of (i) a numerical value equal to 75% of the Mitigation Net CONE translated into a seasonally adjusted monthly UCAP value (“Mitigation Net CONE Offer Floor”), or (ii) the numerical value that is the first year value of the Unit Net CONE determined as specified in Section, translated into a seasonally adjusted monthly UCAP value using an appropriate class outage rate, (“Unit Net CONE Offer Floor”). The Offer Floor for a Mitigated Capacity Zone Installed Capacity Supplier that is a Special Case Resource shall mean a numerical value determined as specified in Section The Offer Floor for Additional CRIS MW shall mean a numerical value determined as specified in Section For the purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Non-Qualifying Entry Sponsors” shall mean a Transmission Owner, Public Power Entity, or any other entity with a Transmission District in the NYCA, or an agency or instrumentality of New York State or a political subdivision thereof.

  • Official capacity means (i) when used with respect to a Director, the office of Director of the Company, and (ii) when used with respect to a person other than a Director, the elective or appointive office of the Company held by such person or the employment or agency relationship undertaken by such person on behalf of the Company, but in each case does not include service for any other foreign or domestic corporation or any partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise.

  • System Capacity means the operational capacity of the Gathering System at any applicable point in time.

  • Contract Capacity has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(f).

  • Unforced Capacity shall have the meaning specified in the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Committed Capacity means that portion of the Capacity that is required to meet the Capacity Entitlements of Access Holders;