Maximum reimbursable amount definition
Examples of Maximum reimbursable amount in a sentence
Please omit these items from your claim or indicate your reason for considering them an OMA responsibility.● Essential laundry and pressing may be claimed if 3 or more consecutive days of business are required without the opportunity to return home.● Caregiving reimbursement: Maximum reimbursable amount based on Ontario minimum wage will be $64 for each half day of meeting time and $104 for each full day of meeting time.
Maximum reimbursable amount is $120.00 plus applicable tax, anywhere in the state.
Maximum reimbursable amount is $83$98.00, or the maximum amount allowed by the DAS-SAE, if higher plus tax, anywhere in the state.
Kawa (see [2], [3]) is an implementation of the Scheme programming language written in Java.
Attach copy of certification card or award letter from professional organization along with receipts to cover any/all expenses listed below (Maximum reimbursable amount for all expenses including travel is $500.00 per calendar year).
Maximum reimbursable amount (which includes furnishings, utilities, telephone service, cable service, cleaning and maintenance).