Examples of Mentorship in a sentence
Program volunteers are defined as CSU volunteers who are engaged in specific Extension program delivery components, such as 4-H volunteers, Colorado Master Gardener program volunteers, Master Food Safety program volunteers, Colorado Beekeeping Mentorship volunteer program, etc.
Depending on the County Health protocols or restrictions, these services will be provided on-site or virtually: ● Mentorship, tutoring, and college support to youth in the Dream Center ● Hosted study halls or peer tutoring sessions (with a mutually agreed upon tutor program) ● Social justice artistic expression activities through appropriate community services partner agencies in partnership with AHS site administration.
Mentorship is a supportive, learning and professional relationship between people who have specific skills and knowledge (mentors) and individuals (mentees) who need or want the same skills and advantages to move up in work, skill level, or performance.
The Host Organization’s responsibilities include: Mentorship and Guidance Provide a primary contact for the Fellow who is able to commit 5-7 hours per week to supporting the Fellow through check-ins, consultation, and ongoing mentorship.
Mentorship Nurses may, from time to time, be assigned a formal mentorship role for a designated nurse.