Meter Reading Services definition
Examples of Meter Reading Services in a sentence
Each party agrees to be subject to the executive jurisdiction of the appropriate Courts at Mumbai, Maharashtra and to comply with all requirements necessary to give such Court the jurisdiction.
Meter Reading Services - The meter reading and related services described in the relevant direct access tariff which are provided by Edison and/or ESP.
The Cooperative will provide Special Meter Reading Services in accordance with section 13.4 of this Tariff.
Meter Reading Services - The meter reading and related services described in the relevant direct access tariff which are provided by the UDC and/or ESP.
Meter Reading Services - The meter reading and related services described in PG&E's direct access tariff which are provided by PG&E and/or ESP.
ESP shall indicate on Attachment A to this Agreement whether ESP will offer Consolidated Edison Billing, Consolidated ESP Billing and/or Dual Billing, or Metering and/or Meter Reading Services to Direct Access Customers.
ESP shall comply with such requirements as long as it provides Meter Reading Services to Direct Access Customers, and shall provide evidence of such compliance as may reasonably be required by Edison or Edison’s Applicable Tariffs.
Philip Morris has designed, manufactured, and sold Marlboro cigarettes since 1955.
To the maximum extent allowed by law, and consistent with City land use policies, City shall not allow the construction of residential units on properties within 1,000 feet of the active area of the Otay Landfill, as illustrated on the attached drawing Exhibit B; however, the southern boundary edge for this area may shift over time in the direction indicated by arrows on Exhibit B.
If a Direct Access Customer does not elect to have ESP perform Meter Reading Services, or if ESP does not offer Meter Reading Services, Meter Reading Services shall be performed by Edison pursuant to Service Attachment 5 and Edison’s Applicable Tariffs.