Examples of Work Task in a sentence
Show Work Task Number, description and % complete for each task including those completed, those underway, and those not started.
Objective:This Work Task manages the NFRMPO Planning Council and TAC functions and meetings according to Planning Council and TAC policies.Method:The NFRMPO staff schedules and posts the required public notices for all Planning Council and TAC business meetings.
The NFRMPO, Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), Grand Valley MPO (GVMPO), Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG), and Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) regularly share best practices for planning and public involvement for the development of the RTPs. This Task also completes the Environmental Justice (EJ) and Environmental Mitigation (EM) analyses.Overall Impact/Intent:This Work Task monitors and revises the 2045 RTP as necessary and develops the 2050 RTP.
These requirements state MPOs must develop transportation plans and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP) through a performance- driven, outcome-based approach to planning.Method:This Work Task evaluates the performance of different transportation system components against the targets adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council in 2018 as part of the 2045 RTP’s Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures, and Targets (GOPMT).
Objective:This Work Task provides NFRMPO staff time to review local government annexation, plat and development proposals against Transportation and Comprehensive/Master Plans located within the NFRMPO boundary.