Examples of Monthly Remuneration in a sentence
In case of absence on any working day, the monthly remuneration will be regulated as per the following formula: Total Monthly Remuneration = Monthly remuneration -A1 Where A1 = Monthly remuneration X Nos.
The Monthly Remuneration for each Transaction is equal to the sum over each hour of the Transaction Period for the relevant month of the product of the Contracted Capacity over the hour multiplied by the Capacity Remuneration and divided by the number of hours in the relevant Delivery Period.
In case of absence on any working day, the monthly remuneration will be regulated as per the following formula: Total Monthly Remuneration = Monthly remuneration -A1 where A1 = Monthly remuneration X Nos.
The Letter of Award (LoA) containing the Monthly Remuneration of professionals and Service/ Administrative & Management charges shall be sent to the Service Provider.
Policy regarding the Determination of the Amount and the Proportion of the Monthly Remuneration and the Business Performance-based Remuneration The monthly remuneration and the executive bonuses for the Directors are structured so that the proportion of business performance-based remuneration increases for the higher- ranking Directors, benchmarking the remuneration levels of the corporations being the same business scale and belonging to the related-industry as the Company.
Subsections (1) (a) and (2) (a) do not apply if the remandee has been convicted or found guilty of the offence for which the remandee is remanded.
Policy regarding the Determination of the Amount of the Monthly Remuneration The monthly remuneration for the Directors is determined through the deliberation at the Board of Directors meeting after the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting based on the individual positions and responsibilities.
The Capacity Remuneration is paid under the form of a Monthly Remuneration, as from the first month of the Transaction Period in accordance with the formula and the modalities set forth hereunder.
Unfortunately, insignificantly correled with loan payment plans and financial sustainability (r=0.025; the p-value=0.685).
These charges shall be applicable on Monthly Remuneration of the professionals excluding GST – the Monthly Remuneration of professionals shall be fixed at the time of selection of professionals as per the provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract.