Name of Grievant definition

Name of Grievant. Assignment: Building: Date filed:
Name of Grievant. Building: Assignment: School District: Date Filed: Date or Dates of Grievance:
Name of Grievant. Assignment:

Examples of Name of Grievant in a sentence

  • STEP 1 (INFORMAL LEVEL) Building Assignment Name of Grievant Date Filed A.

  • DIRECTOR LEVEL ONE Name of Grievant Position and Building Date of Grievance Filed Article and Section of Negotiated Agreement Allegedly Violated Disposition of Grievance By Administrator/Director Within an Additional Five (5) Days (Attach Statement if Necessary) This decision may be appealed to the Superintendent within five (5) working days of receipt.

  • Grievance No. Building Assignment Name of Grievant Distribution of form: 1.

  • I acknowledge receipt of a Level One grievance from (Name of Grievant) on .

  • Name of Grievant Assignment Building Person to whom Xxxxxxxxx is submitted Specific contract article violated Basis for the Grievance (State how the specific article was violated) Date violation occurred Date Grievant became Aware of violation Remedy sought Signature of Grievant Date Send the original signed grievance to the person with whom the grievance is filed.

More Definitions of Name of Grievant

Name of Grievant. Date Filed: Home Address: Telephone No. Building: Assignment:
Name of Grievant. Date Filed: Location: Work Assignment:
Name of Grievant. Date Filed: School/Work Site: Position: Immediate Supervisor: Title: Petition is Filed Against: Title: Alleged Violation of Labor Contract or District Policy (Specific):
Name of Grievant. Date Filed: Building: Assignment: Date of Cause of Grievance: State grievance stipulating Article and Section of the Agreement which was allegedly misinterpreted, misapplied or violated.
Name of Grievant. School/Worksite: Immediate Supervisor: Petition is Filed Against:
Name of Grievant. Individual AEA Both LEVEL 1: SUPERVISOR LEVEL A. Date Cause of Grievance Occurred: B. Statement of Grievance (Facts Supporting Alleged Violation): C. Specific Contract Provisions Violated: D. Relief Sought: Signature of Grievant/AEA Date E. Disposition of Supervisor: Signature of Principal/Supervisor Date Allendale Education Association GRIEVANCE REPORT FORM (cont.) F. Position of Grievant and/or AEA: Signature of Grievant/AEA Date LEVEL 2: SUPERINTENDENT LEVEL A. Date Received by Superintendent: B. Disposition of Superintendent: Signature of Superintendent Date
Name of Grievant. Assignment: Building: Date Filed: Signature Date Signature Date