Grievor definition

Grievor means the employee concerned, a local of the Union, the Union or the Company.
Grievor means the employee concerned or a group of employees concerned reporting to the same Tier D manager who are directly involved in a similar situation, a local of the Union, the Union or the Company.
Grievor designates the one who files a grievance in accordance with Article 6. It may be a member, or the Union acting on behalf of a member, or the Union acting on its own.

Examples of Grievor in a sentence

  • Grievor shall be defined as the Party (Employer or Union) or employee(s) who initiates a grievance.

  • When this is not possible, an employee, whether as a Grievor, witness, or Union representative who is required to be absent from work will suffer no loss of pay and benefits to which he/she would otherwise be entitled as a bargaining unit employee.

  • The Employee Relations Representative and the appropriate management representatives shall meet to discuss the grievance with the Grievor, a Union Officer and other appropriate Union representatives.

  • A Staff Representation of the Union and/or the Grievor may be present at this meeting if requested by either Party.

  • A written reply shall be given to the Grievor and to the Faculty Association within ten working days of receipt of the written grievance.

More Definitions of Grievor

Grievor means the Board, a teacher or group of teachers (e.g. one school) or the Union filing a grievance.
Grievor means either the Association, a member or group of members on behalf of whom the Association lodges a grievance, or the Employer.
Grievor means - (i) an individual employee, or (ii) a group of employees having the same grievance, or (iii) the Bargaining Unit acting on its own behalf (iv) the Bargaining Unit acting on behalf of a deceased or retired member. (v) the Board acting on its behalf.
Grievor means the employee or group of employees concerned, the Union or the Company.
Grievor means an employee, who has been continuously employed for six (6) months, who has a grievance. Probationary employees cannot grieve their dismissal or release of employment.
Grievor means the employee concerned, a group of employees who are directly involved in a similar situation or the Union.
Grievor a grievor is the Union or individual who initiates a grievance. “Days” - day or days do not include Saturdays, Sundays or statutory holidays.