Examples of Network Assets in a sentence
An industry standard (NRS 069 – Industry Standard for Recovery of Capital Costs for Distribution Network Assets) based on replacement cost was established; and is currently applied by several utilities.
Connection assets for generators are referred to as entry assets and for loads they are called exit assets.• Shared Network Assets: all other transmission assets, which are shared to some extent by network Users.
Augmentation* in relation to the Network*, means an increase in the capability of the Network* to provide Covered Services*, including by the development, construction, acquisition or commissioning of new Network Assets*.
The three entities selling the Network Assets in California are TelePacific, Mpower, and Arrival.
Clearwire or the applicable Domestic Clearwire Subsidiary, as the case may be, holds and is in compliance in all material respects with all Governmental Licenses required under Environmental Laws for their operations, including of the Clearwire Network Assets.