North Queensland definition

North Queensland means the Local Authority areas of:
North Queensland. All Projects above the Tropic of Capricorn where the project value is $75 million or less. An employee working under this Appendix is not entitled to the wage rates contained in Appendix 2.
North Queensland means any AER rail operations covered by an area from Proserpine North and West to Mt Isa including Phosphate Hill‖  ―Ordinary hours‖ For a full time employee means an average of 40 hours per week (consisting of 38 hours and two reasonable additional hours) averaged over a roster cycle.  ―Ordinary rate of pay‖ means the employees rate of pay as provided for at clause 27 (Rates of Pay).  ‖WH&S Act‖ The Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)  ―Part time employment‖ means a form of employment where an employee is employed on a number of hours less than the full time employment average number of hours.  ―Policy/policies‖ A new or existing AER policy as amended from time to time.  ―Roster cycle‖ A designated period over which work is arranged and the hours of work may be averaged.  ―Second Person‖ - A person qualified to assist with Locomotive Operations and/or assist with rail operations.  “Seconded employees‖ - means employees of another company within the QRN group of companies who are performing work for AER which is governed by this agreement  ―Stand alone‖ The hours paid will not be included in the calculation of ordinary hours.  ―The Act‖ The Fair Work Act 2009.

Examples of North Queensland in a sentence

  • Is the Minister satisfied with the quality and level of monitoring and surveillance of the aviation industry in North Queensland, in particular with regard to safety, and the performance of those charged with air transport safety.

  • Can the Minister detail any changes in personnel, or positions, in the North Queensland CASA office in the 3 months ending 9 August 2005.

  • The Adani Group’s venture into Australia commenced in 2010 with the purchase of EPC 1690, the underlying tenement for the development of the Greenfield Carmichael Coal Mine in the Galilee Basin, Central Queensland, and entering into a 99 year lease of the Port of Abbot Point near Bowen in North Queensland.

  • MMI ASXLow0.015Sector: Website:General mining & Synopsis:Metro Mining Ltd (ASX:MMI) is an exploration and mining company based in Brisbane, Queensland, that holds a bauxite producing project in Far North Queensland and holds one of Australia's largest thermal coal resources in Queensland's Surat Basin.

  • For the purpose of this advice, we note below how relevant documents in this matter that fall within section 314 of SPA concern the acoustic environment: (a) the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 State Planning Regulatory Provisions do not make specific reference to noise; (b) the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009 – 2031 (FNQ Regional Plan) provides for acoustic environment protection.

  • Ergon Energy has a special approval authorising it to connect the generating plant installed before 1 January 1995 and vested in Capricornia Electricity Corporation, Far North Queensland Electricity Corporation or North Queensland Electricity Corporation as at 1 January 1995 to the transmission grid or supply network to which the generating plant was connected on 1 January 1995.

  • Unless required by law, the contents of any Proposal will not be disclosed to competing Proposers prior to Contract award.

  • The Cairns Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) is the Designated Area Representative (“DAR”) for the Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement (FNQ DAMA).

  • Shift work may be worked according to a roster and conditions as agreed upon in writing between the employer and the Branch Secretary of the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union, Central and Southern Queensland Clerical and Administrative Branch, Union of Employees, and/or the Branch Secretary of the Federated Clerks' Union of Australia, North Queensland Branch, Union of Employees.

  • Infectious diseases‌The NBA takes an interest in infectious diseases because: the presence of disease in individual donors (e.g. influenza), or potential disease resulting from travel (e.g. malaria) means a donor must be deferred; temporary disease burden within a community (e.g. dengue in North Queensland) may limit blood collection in the community for a time; and some people may not be permitted to donate at all (e.g. people who lived in the UK for a period critical in the history of vCJD).

Related to North Queensland

  • Harbour Master means the ABP Harbour Master or Dock Master for the Port (as appropriate) or their authorised representative;

  • Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use

  • Commercial domicile means the principal place from which the trade or business of the taxpayer is directed or managed.

  • Islands (“Ynysoedd”) means the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man;

  • Malta means the Island of Malta, the Island of Gozo and the other islands of the Maltese Archipelago, including the territorial waters thereof;

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • agricultural products means an animal or plant or a product, including any food or drink that is wholly or partly derived from an animal or plant, and includes all after acquired Agricultural Products of the Producer, or any proceeds therefore.

  • Ireland means the Republic of Ireland.