Roster Cycle Sample Clauses
Roster Cycle. An Employee engaged on a roster cycle, consistent with Appendix 7, will not be subject to the Industry RDO Calander in Appendix 3
Roster Cycle. (i) Employees will work shifts in accordance with a roster established by the Company. The Company will establish rosters, and deploy employees to rosters, to meet the operational needs of the work area. Once established, any major changes to the roster must be discussed in the first instance within the Consultative Committee. Following consultation, the company must provide 14 days’ notice to employees.
(ii) For major network wide roster changes Serco will establish a working group composed of United Voice representatives and Serco project staff. The working group will jointly establish best practice principles and facilitate the ongoing consultation process and implementation of rosters.
(iii) Rosters, and any change of significance to rosters to apply at each Centre or site will, as far as practicable and if possible to do so, be developed through local consultative processes having regard to Employee and fluctuating operational requirements. Local consultative processes on rosters shall need consultation with the local Consultative Committee, as well as affected Employees and their employee representatives, nominated by employees pursuant to clause 43.
Roster Cycle is the method of arranging Standard and Ordinary Hours of Work across a 28 day period. Subject to operational requirements, ATOM will determine the Roster Cycle subject to consultation in accordance with clauses 4.7 – 4.11 of the Agreement.
Roster Cycle. A 10-week roster cycle will form the basis of the rostering of work for the Officers. The policy of allowing temporary shift swaps to the roster, subject to the prior approval of the relevant Coordinator or Team Leader will continue to ensure that the enforcement needs of the service and the personal needs of Officers may be satisfied.
Roster Cycle. (1) Where operational requirements permit, NSWALC may agree to a full-time employee working a 9-day Roster Cycle provided that:
a. Employees have completed their probation period.
b. A Rostered Day Off (“RDO”) pattern of work is agreed prior to each Roster Cycle.
c. A roster of employees will be established by each business unit to ensure operational requirements are met and the minimum possible number of employees are on an RDO at the same time.
(2) NSWALC or the employee may, by agreement, substitute the day the employee is to take their RDO for another day within the same Roster Cycle.
(3) If in an exceptional circumstance, NSWALC requires the Employee to work on their proposed RDO for the Roster Cycle, the RDO (i.e. 7 hours) is accrued and TOIL and overtime payments do not apply.
(4) In exceptional circumstances RDO’s may accrue up to a total of 6 days providing a rostered leave management plan is put in place following the second RDO accruing. NSWALC may direct employees to take their RDO for any RDO accruing for more than 6 months.
(5) Upon termination of employment, an adjustment will be made to ensure the full RDO entitlement and no more has been provided. Where more RDO entitlement has been afforded than the employee is entitled to, the outstanding amount is deducted from their termination payments. And employees who have received less than their full RDO entitlement will have the outstanding amount added to their final termination payment.
Roster Cycle. This is number of weeks it takes to rotate through the roster – (for example the FBNZ DDN 12-hour roster takes 24 weeks to complete the cycle).
Roster Cycle is a 2-week cycle period beginning on a Monday.
Roster Cycle. 1.1 You acknowledge and agree that the Company may, in its absolute discretion determine the method of arranging your roster and annual leave from time to time.
1.2 You will be rostered to work on the Vessel for a continuous period of four (4) months which the Company may increase or reduce at its discretion, by a period of up to one (1) month.
1.3 Each period of rostered work referred to in 1.2 will be followed by a period of four (4) months (which the Company may increase or decrease at its discretion to one (1) month) in accordance with the provisions of clause 4.1.5 of this Agreement.
1.4 During the time you are actually working on the Vessel or at port, you are required to work at least an average, approximately eight (8) hours per day plus reasonable additional working time up to four (4) hours each day.
1.5 Your rotation and roster as set out in this Agreement, averages your hours over each period of twelve (12) months of your employment with us and incorporates ordinary hours plus reasonable additional hours.
Roster Cycle. 23.1 At the discretion of the Company rosters will be designed so that Employees will work on average of thirty eight (38) ordinary hours per week over the roster cycle. Such rosters may include:
a) nine hundred and eighty eight (988) hours worked over a twenty six (26) week work cycle; or
b) four hundred and fifty six (456) hours worked over a twelve (12) week work cycle; or
c) three hundred and eighty (380) hours worked over a ten (10) week work cycle; or
d) three hundred and four (304) hours worked over on eight (8) week work cycle; or e) two hundred and twenty eight (228) hours worked over a six (6) week work cycle; or
Roster Cycle. (a) A Roster Cycle shall consist of the following shifts: i. three 12.5-hour Day Shifts ii. followed by three 12.5-hour Night Shifts, or three 12.5-hour Day Shifts iii. followed by six days off duty;