Notification expenses definition
Notification expenses means those reasonable and necessary expenses that an Insured shall become legally obligated to pay, solely to comply with Privacy Regulations, including communications with, and credit monitoring services for, affected customers and/or clients. “Notification Expenses” shall not include Claim Expenses.
Notification expenses means all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by an Insured, with OMIC’s prior written consent, to comply with governmental privacy legislation mandating notification to affected individuals in the event of a security breach or privacy breach, whether or not there is a specific requirement by law to do so. Notification expenses includes, but is not limited to:
Notification expenses means those reasonable and necessary expenses which you incur, with the Company’s prior written consent, to comply with governmental privacy legislation mandating notification to affected individuals in the event of a security breach or privacy breach. Notification expenses include, but are not limited to:
Examples of Notification expenses in a sentence
Coverage to include Security Breach Remediation and Notification expenses and will extend to theft, loss, or unauthorized disclosure of Personally Identifiable Non-Public information and Intellectual Property.
Cover for Notification expenses( to data subjects) incurred by Bank- mandated and/or voluntary26.
More Definitions of Notification expenses
Notification expenses means those reasonable and necessary legal expenses, postage expenses, and related advertising expenses you incur with our consent and which are approved by us to mitigate damage to your brand or comply with governmental privacy legislation mandating notification to affected individuals in the event of a security event, privacy event, or breach of privacy regulations that results in the compromise or potential compromise of personal information maintained by you or otherwise residing on a computer network operated by you or on your behalf.
Notification expenses means reasonable and necessary costs or expenses of notification to those whose Personally Identifiable Information was affected by an Information Loss.
Notification expenses means those reasonable and necessary expenses which you incur, with our prior written consent, to notify affected individuals in the event of a security breach or privacy breach, whether or not there is a specific requirement by law to do so. Notification expenses includes, but is not limited to:
Notification expenses means the reasonable and necessary notification fees and expenses charged by a service provider designated or approved in advance in writing by us, to notify a Protected Person of a Breach pursuant to applicable Privacy Law requirements.
Notification expenses means all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by an Insured, with OMIC’s prior written consent, to comply with governmental privacy legislation mandating notification to affected individuals in the event of a security breach or privacy breach, including, but not limited to: (a) legalexpenses; (b) computer forensic and investigation fees; (c) public relations expenses; (d) postage expenses; and(e) related advertising expenses.
Notification expenses means reasonable and necessary expenses and Media Notice Costs that You incur on Your own behalf, or on behalf of a party for whom You are Vicariously Liable, to provide Notification of a Security Breach or Privacy Breach, including printing costs, mailing and postage expenses, and the costs to engage a Third Party to mail Notification letters and prepare substitute or website notices. “Notification Expenses” does not include Privacy Breach Response Costs.
Notification expenses means reasonable and necessary legal expenses, forensic investigation expenses, printing costs, and mailing and postage expenses that You incur to notify affected individuals of a Security Breach or Privacy Breach.