Examples of O&M Budget in a sentence
The amount requested is 25% of the Canal Corporation’s 2020 O&M Budget.
COUNCIL POLICY / STRATEGY OR GOAL: Town of Hay River Purchasing Policy APPLICABLE LEGISLATION, BYLAWS, STUDIES, PLANS: Bylaw 1574-GEN-16 Property Procedures or Procurement Bylaw FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 2018 O&M Budget.
The funds shall be placed in the District's general checking account and used to fund the actual administrative and operations expenses of the District’s O&M Budget.
The expenses associated with the operations of the Canal Corporation for calendar year 2020 were included in the Canal Corporation’s 2020 O&M Budget and the Authority’s 2020 Budget.
The expenses associated with the operations of the Canal Corporation for calendar year 2021 were included in the Canal Corporation’s 2021 O&M Budget and the Authority’s 2021 Budget.