Section 8.1 Sample Clauses
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 of the Warrant Agreement shall be amended by deleting subclauses (d) and (e) and subclause (iii) therein in their entirety. Any grammatical or other adjustments necessary in the language surrounding such deletions shall be deemed to have been made and incorporated therein in all respects.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by (i) deleting the word “and” at the end of clause (k) of such section, (ii) deleting the period at the end of clause (l) of such section and replacing it with “; and” and (iii) inserting the following new clause (m) at the end of such section:
Section 8.1. 31 All employees (both year-round and non-year-round) will be paid for holidays that fall within their 32 work year: 34
Section 8.1. District will provide each employee two (2) days of in-service training per year (days will be equal 19 to the number of hours in their normal shift). Employees shall be released from duties to attend such 20 training. Subjects and dates will be mutually discussed with final determination to be made by the 21 District. 23 The District and the Association will form an in-service committee to plan in-services. This committee 24 will include representation from each classification (Child Nutrition, Custodial, Paraeducators, Grounds, 25 Trades, Warehouse, and Family Engagement Liaisons) and the PSEA Chapter President or Vice 26 President. 27 28 Amend Section 11.0 as follows: 29
Section 8.1. 37 Each employee shall be granted and accrue sick leave at a rate of twelve (12) days per year. Sick leave shall be 38 vested when earned and may be accumulated up to the legal maximum for illness, injury, and emergencies, 39 and accrue at a rate not more than twelve (12) days per annum. The District shall project the number of 40 annual days of sick leave at the beginning of the school year according to the estimated calendar months the 41 employee is to work during that year. Should an employee leave the employment of the District having used 42 more sick leave than earned or accumulated, the employee's final pay warrant shall be adjusted for the 43 amount of the unearned leave. Sick leave benefits shall be paid on the basis of base hourly rate applicable to 44 the employee's normal daily work shifts; provided, however, that should an employee's normal daily work 45 shift increase or decrease subsequent to an accumulation of days of sick leave, sick leave benefits will be 47 accumulated benefits will be expended on an hourly rather than a daily basis. 1 Employees, upon finding it necessary to be absent from their assigned duties by reason of illness or injury, 2 shall notify their immediate supervisor at the earliest possible moment stating the reason. For planned 3 surgeries or anticipated disablements which will necessitate illness or injury leave, the affected employee 4 shall notify his or her immediate supervisor a reasonable time before the leave of the anticipated dates 5 during which leave will be required, usually sixty (60) days in advance for planned or anticipated 6 disablements or maternity disability. The employee shall provide a statement from his/her licensed medical 7 doctor stipulating that the employee's health condition requires that disability leave be granted at the time of 8 requested leave. 10 Upon return to duty the employee shall be required to sign an absence report verifying that the absence was 11 due to illness or injury. After five (5) consecutive days absence or pattern of regular, excessive or unusual
Section 8.1. 5 The Association and the District agree that the cornerstone of student learning is high 21 quality instruction. We further agree that time spent to support that instruction, both independently and 22 collaboratively, is essential, and that communication and engagement with families and the 23 community, and support of school events during and outside of the school day, are necessary and good.
Section 8.1. For purposes of the Agreement, Section 8.1(c) shall be deleted and replaced in its entirety with:
Section 8.1. 33 The seniority of an employee within the bargaining unit shall be established as of the date on which the 34 employee began continuous daily employment for the San Xxxx Island School District (hereinafter "hire 35 date") unless such seniority shall be lost as hereinafter provided.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 of the Combination Agreement is hereby amended to delete paragraph (g) thereof in its entirety.
Section 8.1. 6 The employee with the greatest seniority shall have preferential rights regarding promotions, 7 assignment to new or open positions, reduction of hours not constituting a layoff, layoffs, and recall 8 from layoff; unless a junior employee possesses significantly greater ability and performance relevant 9 to the personnel decision which is at issue.