On or near an Indian Reservation definition

On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably be expected to commute to and from in the course of a work day.
On or near an Indian Reservation. ’ means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian res- ervation(s) where a person seeking employ- ment could reasonably be expected to com- mute to and from in the course of a work day.
On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an In- dian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably commute to and from in the course of a work day.326.503 Compliance enforcement.The contracting officer shall prompt- ly investigate and resolve written com- plaints of noncompliance with the re- quirements of the clauses at 352.226–1, Indian Preference and 352.226–2, Indian Preference Program filed with the con- tracting activity. 326.504 Tribal preference require- ments.(a) When the contractor will perform work under a contract on an Indian reservation, the contracting officer may supplement the clause at 352.226–2, Indian Preference Program by adding specific Indian preference requirements of the tribe on whose reservation the contractor will work. The contracting activity and the tribe shall jointly de- velop supplemental requirements for the contract. Supplemental preference requirements shall represent a further implementation of the requirements of section 7(b) of Public Law 93–638 and require the approval of the affected program director and the appropriate legal office, or a regional attorney, be- fore the contracting officer adds them to a solicitation and resultant con- tract. Any supplemental preference re- quirements the contracting officer adds to the clause at 352.226–2, Indian Preference Program shall also clearly Health and Human Services 326.601 identify in the solicitation the addi- tional requirements.(b) Nothing in this part shall pre- clude tribes from independently devel- oping and enforcing their own tribal preference requirements. Such inde- pendently-developed tribal preference requirements shall not, except as pro- vided in paragraph (a) of this section, become a requirement in contracts covered under this subpart, and shall not conflict with any Federal statutory or regulatory requirement concerning the award and administration of con- tracts.326.505 Applicability.The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 352.226–1, Indian Pref- erence, and the clause at 352.226–2, In- dian Preference Program, in contracts to implement section 7(b) of Public Law 93–638 for all Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ac- tivities. Contracting activities shall use the clauses as follows, except for those exempted solicitations and con- tracts issued and or awarded pursuant to Title I of Public Law 93–638 (25U.S.C. 450 et seq.):(a) The contracting officer shall in- sert the clause at 352....

More Definitions of On or near an Indian Reservation

On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably be expected to commute to and from in the course of a work day.(c) Nothing in the requirements of this clause shall be interpreted to preclude Indian Tribes from independently developing and enforcing their own Indian preference requirements. Such requirements must not hinder the Government's right to award contracts and to administer their provisions.
On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably expect to commute to and from in the course of a work day. (c) Nothing in the requirements of this clause shall preclude Indian tribes from independently developing and enforcing their own Indian preference requirements. Such requirements must not conflict with any Federal statutory or regulatory requirement dealing with the award and administration of contracts.(d) The Contractor agrees to include the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in each subcontract awarded at any tier under this contract and to notify the Contracting Officer of such subcontracts.
On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably expect to commute to and from in the course of a work day.(c) Nothing in the requirements of this clause shall preclude Indian tribes from independently developing and enforcing their own Indian preference requirements. Such requirements must not conflict with any Federal statutory or regulatory requirement dealing with the award and administration of contracts.(d) The Contractor agrees to include the provisions of this clause, including this(End of clause)352.226–3 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.As prescribed in 326.701, the Contracting Officer shall insert the following clause:Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (Date)
On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation
On or near an Indian Reservation means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding anIndian reservation(s) where a person seeking employment could reasonably be expected to commute to and from in the course of a work day.370.204 Compliance enforcement.(a) The concerned contracting activity shall be responsible for conductingperiodic reviews to insure contractorcompliance with the requirements of the clauses set forth in 352.270–2 and352.270–3. These reviews may beconducted with the assistance of the Indian Tribe(s) concerned.(b) Complaints of noncomplaincewith the requirements of the clauses set forth in 352.270–2 and 352.270–3 which are filed in writing with the contracting activity shall be promptly investigatedand resolved by the contracting officer.370.205 Tribal preference requirements.(a) Where the work under a contract is to be performed on an Indianreservation, the contracting activity may supplement the clause set forth in352.270–3 by adding specific Indianpreference requirements of the Tribe on whose reservation the work is to beperformed. The supplementalrequirements shall be jointly developed for the contract by the contractingactivity and the Tribe. Supplementalpreference requirements must represent a further implementation of therequirements of section 7(b) of Public Law 93–638 and must be approved by the affected program director andapproved for legal sufficiency by the Business and Administrative Law Division, OGC, or a regional attorneybefore being added to a solicitation and resultant contract. Any supplementalpreference requirements to be added to the clause in 352.270–3 shall beincluded in the solicitation and clearly identified in order to insure uniformunderstanding or the additionalrequirements by all prospective bidders or offerors.(b) Nothing in this part shall be interpreted to preclude Tribes from independently developing andenforcing their own tribal preference requirements. Such independentlydeveloped tribal preferencerequirements shall not, except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, become a requirement incontracts covered under this Subpart 370.2, and must not conflict with any Federal statutory or regulatoryrequirement concerning the award and administration of contracts.Subpart 370.3—Acquisitions Involving Human Subjects370.300 Scope of subpart.This subpart applies to all research and development activities involving human subjects conducted undercontract (see 45 CFR 46.102(d) and (f)).370.301 Policy.It is the policy of the D...
On or near an Indian Reservation. ’ means on a reservation or reservations or within that area surrounding an Indian reservation(s) where a person seeking

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