Open Skies means a regime for the conduct of observation flights by States Parties over the territories of other States Parties.
Open Skies. Agreements: A foreign flag air carrier may be used if the transportation is provided under an air transportation agreement between the United States and a foreign government, which the Department of Transportation has determined meets the requirements of the Fly America Act. For example, in 2008, the U.S. entered into an "Open Skies" Agreement with the European Union. This Agreement gives European Community airlines (airlines of Member States) the right to transport passengers and cargo on flights funded by the U.S. government, when the transportation is between a point in the United States and any point in a Member State or between any two points outside the United States. In accordance with the Agreement, however, a U.S.-flag air carrier must be used if: (a) transportation is between points for which there is a city-pair contract fare in effect for air passenger transportation services; or (b) transportation is obtained or funded by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a Military Department. The conditions for use of a Member State airline apply to non-Federal employees as well (e.g., grantees). So, even though grantees are ineligible for city-pair contract fares, they must still use a U.S.-flag air carrier if a city-pair contract fare exists. For information on other "open skies" agreements in which the United States has entered, please refer to GSA's website at xxxx:// &noc=T.
Open Skies. Air Transport Agreement was published by the U.S. General Services Administration providing full explanation of the multilateral agreement in place so that qualifying travelers, whose travel is supported by federal funds, may travel on European Union airlines as well as U.S. Flag Air Carriers. A list of the 29 countries under the EU Open Skies Agreement is below: What do these Open Skies Agreements mean to you? European Union: When traveling to a destination serviced by a European Union airline, Harvard travelers flying on a Federal grant can fly on either a US carrier or an EU (European Union) carrier as long as they touch down in an EU country.
Examples of Open Skies in a sentence
UAE officials assert that the country will not agree to renegotiate the Open Skies Agreement.
As of 2011, two significant changes have been made to the U.S./EU Open Skies Agreement.
In 2011, two significant changes were made to the US/EU Open Skies Agreement.
Note on US/European Union Open Skies Agreement In 2007, the US entered into an “Open Skies” Agreement with the European Union (“EU”).
In 2011, two significant changes were made to the U.S./EU Open Skies Agreement.
More Definitions of Open Skies
Open Skies means the reservation software and system utilized by each Party.
Open Skies. Air Transport Agreement was published by the U.S. General Services Administration providing full explanation of the multilateral agreement in place so that qualifying travelers, whose travel is supported by federal funds, may travel on European Union airlines as well as U.S. Flag Air Carriers. A list of current member countries of the European Union is available at the Europa web site. There are also Open Skies agreement with Australia, Switzerland and Japan.
Open Skies means that proposals for observing time may be submitted by any scientist or group of scientists from any country in the world for review by the MWA Time Allocation Committee.
Open Skies. . This means freedom of access capacity and frequency for both “national” and other carriers. Clearly, such a broadly liberalized environment must be associated with safeguards, notably including assurance of service, fair competition, rights and responsibilities of providers and users, and transparency (as spelled out by the ICAO Secretariat in ATConf/6-WP/3 and WP/4). Historically, assurance of service was frequently sought through the medium of fostering a “national” carrier, often requiring substantial state subsidy. However, in today’s globally competitive environment, financially non-viable “national” carriers have been allowed to disappear, in both developed and developing countries, and other carriers (with principal place of business not necessarily in the country concerned) have taken their place, generally with success. The appearance of new business models, including airlines with transborder bases, low cost subsidiaries and low cost stand-alone carriers, is helping this process.
Open Skies means ownership interests held legally or beneficially by citizens of countries with which the United States does not have a liberal aviation trade relationship (known as an “open-skies” relationship) may not exceed 25% individually or in the aggregate. A list of countries with which the United States has open-skies agreements is available at applied.
Open Skies means mutual elimination of restrictions about the number of airlines, routes and frequencies between contracting countries and regions.
Open Skies secara umum xxx harpiah diartikan sebagai “langit terbuka” atau “ruang terbuka”. Namun dalam konteks hukum kata “open skies” akan lebih tepat dimaknai dengan “ruang udara terbuka”. Istilah “open skies” dalam dunia penerbangan mulai menjadi isu internasional tahun 1990-an, dimana dunia penerbangan sedang mengalami krisis xxx banyak maskapai penerbangan yang mengalami kesulitan modal. Namun demikian dilihat secara historis, masalah open skies muncul adalah akibat kegagalan Konferensi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional dalam menyepakati masalah transportasi udara internasional (international air transport), (Martono xxx Xxxx, 2010) sehingga dirumuskan dalam Pasal 6 Konvensi Chicago 1944 yang bermakna transportasi udara internasional hanya dapat dilakukan dengan izin negara terkait xxx dilakukan dengan perjanjian yang dibuat terpisah. Sebagaimana telah ditetapkan bahwa Konvensi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional (International Civil Aviation Convention), yang disahkan di Chicago pada tanggal 7 Desember 1944 (selanjutnya dikenal dengan "Konvensi Chicago"), merupakan "Magna Charta" untuk hukum internasional tentang penerbangan. Dalam Pasal 1 Konvensi Chicago dinyatakan bahwa Negara pihak Konvensi mengakui bahwa setiap negara memiliki kedaulatan yang lengkap xxx eksklusif atas ruang udara di atas wilayahnya, yang diikuti oleh rumusan dalam Pasal 2 bahwa untuk tujuan Konvensi, wilayah Negara dianggap berupa daratan xxx perairan teritorial yang berdampingan dengannya di bawah kedaulatan, penguasaan, perlindungan xxx xxxxxx dari negara yang bersangkutan (Chicago Convention, 1944). Hukum internasional didirikan pada konsep Negara yang pada gilirannya berfungsi di atas dasar kedaulatan. Sebuah Negara, sesuai dengan Konvensi Montevideo tahun 1933 didefinisikan memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: populasi permanen, suatu wilayah xxxx xxxx jelas, pemerintah, xxx kapasitas untuk masuk ke dalam hubungan dengan Negara lain. Dengan pemahaman tersebut maka kedaulatan menetapkan supremasi Negara sebagai badan xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx memiliki kekuasaan tertinggi membuat dua prinsip yaitu (Abeyratne, 2012a):