Operable Unit 2 definition

Operable Unit 2 or “OU 2” shall mean the Appleton to Little Rapids reach of the Lower Fox River, as delineated by the Record of Decision signed by WDNR and EPA in December 2002 (Dkt. 439-12). More specifically, OU 2 is the portion of the Lower Fox River (and the underlying River sediment) from the Upper Appleton Dam downstream to the Little Rapids Dam.
Operable Unit 2 or OU 2” shall mean those portions of the Town of Pines Superfund Site where contamination of soil or groundwater from the disposal of CCRs outside of Yard 520 have or may have come to be located and those portions of the Town of Pines Superfund Site subject to ¶ 1.4(c) of the SOW. Work associated with OU 2 includes but is not limited to monitoring of groundwater in the areas north of the East Branch of Brown Ditch and east of the Main Branch of Brown Ditch; surface water and sediments of the East Branch of Brown Ditch; and residential drinking water wells in the area north of the East Branch of Brown Ditch, and east of the Main Branch of Brown Ditch. The OU 2 boundaries for addressing soil contamination and conducting groundwater monitoring are depicted on the map attached at Appendix C.
Operable Unit 2 means the lower 8.3 miles of the Lower Passaic River, from RM 0, at the river’s confluence with Newark Bay, to RM 8.3, near the border between the City of Newark and Belleville Township, New Jersey, located in and about Essex and Hudson Counties, New Jersey; but not including Operable Unit 1 or the former manufacturing plant located at 80 and 120 Lister Avenue, Newark, New Jersey.

Examples of Operable Unit 2 in a sentence

  • The handout titled “Former Fort Ord Operable Unit 2 Data and Status” was reviewed.

  • Cleanup activities have been completed in Operable Unit 2 of the Bunker Hill Superfund Site where the mine is located though water treatment continues at the Central Treatment Plant (CTP) located near Bunker Hill Mine.

  • The EPA divided the McIntosh site into two “operable units” relevant to this appeal: Op- erable Unit 1 (“OU1”) and Operable Unit 2 (“OU2”).3 OU1 contains Olin manufac- turing plants producing chlorine, caustic soda, and crop chemicals.

  • The USEPA issued a Record of Decision for the Li Tungsten Operable Unit 2 in 1999 requiring the excavation of the contamination.

  • Operable Unit 2: Shallow groundwater beneath Spill Site 7 at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming.

More Definitions of Operable Unit 2

Operable Unit 2 means the following portion of the Diamond Alkali Site: the lower 8.3 miles of the Lower Passaic River, from RM 0, at the river’s confluence with Newark Bay, to RM 8.3, near the border between the City of Newark and Belleville Township, New Jersey, located in and about Essex and Xxxxxx Counties, New Jersey; but not including Operable Unit 1 or the former manufacturing plant located at 80 and 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx.
Operable Unit 2 or “OU2" shall mean the second reach of the Lower Fox River, as delineated by the Record of Decision signed by WDNR and EPA in December 2002. More specifically, OU2 is the portion of the Lower Fox River (and the underlying River sediment) starting at the Upper Appleton Dam downstream to the Little Rapids Dam. As so defined, OU2 is depicted in Figure 7-21 of the December 2002 Final Feasibility Study, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment B-1.
Operable Unit 2 or “OU2” shall mean Operable Unit No. 2 as described in the Record of Decision, Ground Water Operable Unit #2, prepared by EPA and dated April 8, 1993.
Operable Unit 2 or “OU-2" shall mean response action undertaken in connection with the Record of Decision relating to plugging and abandonment of wells at the Site issued by EPA on or about September 30, 1988.
Operable Unit 2 or “OU2” shall mean the contamination depicted in Appendix A and as further defined by any future investigations of the Site, whether part of the implementation of the Remedial Action or other investigations.
Operable Unit 2 or “OU2” shall mean that operable unit of the Site (as defined below), consisting of the Olin Basin located east of the main Olin plant area and adjacent to the Tombigbee River, a floodplain and a wastewater ditch leading to the Basin. OU2 consists of approximately 220 acres of open ponded water and seasonally flooded wetland. Under base water flow (non-flooded stage) conditions, the open water portion of OU2 consists of the 76 acre Olin Basin (the Basin), and the 4 acre Round Pond. Olin Basin and Round Pond drain into the Tombigbee River through an inlet channel at the south end of the Basin. OU2 also includes a wastewater ditch (about 6,000 linear feet) that extends from the main plant to the Basin. This
Operable Unit 2 or “OU2” shall mean all areas outside OU1/HRIA where hazardous substances are present, including the Xxxxx Property, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Creek Area, and the areas west and northwest of Xxxxxx Road.