Examples of Other Project Documents in a sentence
The economic sanctions have hit Iran hard, causing Tehran to reduce its financial support to Syria.
Despite these circumstances, the Company was able to manage its financial situation and maintain good operational performance throughout the year which allowed for the continued growth of our shareholders' equity.
Because of this sale, many reseller customers of Zenith’s cancelled or failed to renew their contracts, interfering with the income DSSDR derived from its Licensing Agreement with Zenith.
If you have already submitted the study in iMedRIS by the time that the IAA is signed by UTHSC, your IRB analyst will upload a copy of the signed IAA into your study’s Other Project Documents folder in iMedRIS for you.
INTRODUCTION 3.1 Relation to Other Project Documents The definition of working procedures under REPLICATE framework is essential for assuring an effective project management and achievement of the project goals.