Parent Signature definition

Parent Signature. Date: / / Teacher Signature: Date: / / Student Responsibilities ❏ Come to school on time. ❏ Get and complete my homework assignments. ❏ Bring books, homework, and papers to school on time. ❏ Follow CMS behavior rules Principal Responsibilities ❏ Set high standards and implement effective programs in reading and math throughout the school. ❏ Educate students, teachers, families and school staff about the importance of daily reading and the partnership approach of the compact. Allocate resources to ensure that high standards are met for all students. ❏ Provide workshops for families on how to help students learn. ❏ Welcome all families and include and encourage families with low literacy or math skills and/or limited English proficiency. Also ensure that translators or equipment are available so that all families can participate. ❏ Provide a variety of opportunities for parents and families to volunteer at the school.
Parent Signature. Student Signature:
Parent Signature. Student Signature Date:

Examples of Parent Signature in a sentence

  • Parent Signature: As a teacher, I promise to:Increase communication between home and school.

  • School Name Form Return Date Student Name Year Level Parent Name Parent Signature Date Privacy StatementThe Department of Education collects the information you complete on the Participation Agreement Form in order to administer the Student Resource Scheme (SRS).

  • I hereby give my permission for my child to participate in this Internet project.Date: Parent Name (print): Parent Signature: *Remember, using the school computers and the school network is a privilege, not a right.

  • I am submitting a letter of appointment because I do not file a U.S. Federal Tax Return.Child’s (Children’s) Name(s): Parent Signature: Date: Please submit this form and the first two signed pages of your Federal Tax Return by May 1 for Summer Enrollment or July 15 for School Year Enrollment.

  • Parent Signature: Date: Staff Signature Staff member receiving the paperwork is to sign off that all papers are filled out completely and correct money is remitted.

More Definitions of Parent Signature

Parent Signature. Date: / / Teacher Signature: Date: / /
Parent Signature. Date: Parent Signature: Date: • Work and Income subsidies are available for families who qualify for this. I agree to pay full fees until a subsidy has been approved and the kindy has been paid by WINZ. Any resulting monies due back to the family will be credited to the child’s account. Parent Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: • Families receiving WINZ subsidies are responsible for ensuring their subsidy is maintained and reviewed as necessary. If a subsidy amount decreases or stops completely the family will be liable for all fees owing to the kindergarten. • Any delays or under-payment by WINZ as a result of family inattention to the subsidy will be charged directly to the family. • I agree to advise in writing two weeks in advance, of any changes to their child’s enrolment hours. Poppies does not provide make up days or allow days to be swapped around. Poppies does offer extra sessions at the standard rate if a place is available on the day required. Parent Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: • Additional fees may be requested for extra-curricular activities such as excursions. • The fee schedule will be reviewed annually to ensure the centre is able to meet the needs of the budget and stay in keeping with inflation and current market expectations. One months notice will be given. • Sibling discount - a 5% discount will be offered, for the oldest child enrolled only, to families with 2 or more children enrolled at the kindergarten • Late Fee - While we understand that emergencies arise from time to time, consistent lateness will incur a late fee of $20 for every 15 minutes after your enrolled session ends. This late fee will be added to your account and paid to the staff members who stayed late with your child. I agree to pay late fees charged after the session finishes.
Parent Signature. Date: Parent Signature: Date: • I agree to notify the centre in writing at least one month in advance prior to the child finishing at the kindergarten. Fees are payable during this notice period.
Parent Signature. Date: _____________________
Parent Signature. Date: Student Signature: Date: Tustin, CA 92780 xxxx://xxxx.x00.xx.xx PLEASE USE BLUE OR BLACK INK WHEN HANDWRITING (PRINT CLEARLY) S1S - STUDENT CONTACT/REGISTRATION INFORMATION @ 🞏M 🞏F 🞏Nonbinary Student Last Name Student First Name Student Email Address (NO SCHOOL emails) Important - Print Clearly Student Gender Home Street Address City Zip Code Primary Phone Number Student's Cell # Mother's Cell # Mother's Other Phone # Father's Cell # Father's Other Phone # Parent/Guardian Name(s) Mother's Email Address Father's Email Address Enrolled By: Referred By/Title: Referral Code: Referral Date: Start Date: Teacher Name & Number: Area/Site: Perm ID #: COMMUNITY SCHOOL REFERRAL - S1S Student's Name: A.K.A. CALPADS Last First Middle SSID #:
Parent Signature. Date: As a College, we will do our best to:
Parent Signature. Date: Student Signature: Date: Director’s Signature: Date: Principal’s Signature: Date: