Parent Signature definition
Examples of Parent Signature in a sentence
Parent Signature: As a teacher, I promise to:Increase communication between home and school.
School Name Form Return Date Student Name Year Level Parent Name Parent Signature Date Privacy StatementThe Department of Education collects the information you complete on the Participation Agreement Form in order to administer the Student Resource Scheme (SRS).
I hereby give my permission for my child to participate in this Internet project.Date: Parent Name (print): Parent Signature: *Remember, using the school computers and the school network is a privilege, not a right.
I am submitting a letter of appointment because I do not file a U.S. Federal Tax Return.Child’s (Children’s) Name(s): Parent Signature: Date: Please submit this form and the first two signed pages of your Federal Tax Return by May 1 for Summer Enrollment or July 15 for School Year Enrollment.
Parent Signature: Date: Staff Signature Staff member receiving the paperwork is to sign off that all papers are filled out completely and correct money is remitted.