Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages definition

Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages means the expropriation of the Project or any part thereof, but not of any of the Cottages. A “Partial Taking of Cottages” means the Expropriation of any one (1) or more but less than all of the Cottages. A “Complete Taking of Cottages” means the Expropriation of all of the Cottages.
Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages means the expropriation of the Project or any part thereof, but not of any of the Cottages. A “Partial Taking of Cottages” means the Expropriation of any one (1) or more but less than all of the Cottages. A “Complete Taking of Cottages” means the Expropriation of all of the Cottages. (c) “Restoration” following any Destruction or Expropriation means the repair, reconstruction or replacement of the Association Property or the Project, to restore them to an attractive, sound, functional and desirable condition as an upscale resort, including, if the Board deems it desirable or necessary, the replacement of any improvements taken. In either case, if reasonably possible, taking into account the portions damaged or destroyed by any Destruction or taken by Expropriation, Restoration shall conform to the original plans and specifications; but if the Board decides that conforming to such original plans and specifications is impracticable or is not in compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, building codes or other governmental rules or regulations then in effect, then Restoration shall be of a kind and quality substantially the same as the condition as such portions existed before the Destruction or Expropriation. (d) “Restoration Fundsin the case of any Destruction, means: (i) Proceeds from insurance, received by the Association as a result of the Destruction, but deducting there from reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred, if any, to collect the same, including, without limitation, legal fees, appraiser’s and adjuster’s fees and court costs, and (ii) any surplus funds and those amounts, if any, held in the Capital Reserve Account. “Restoration Funds” in the case of Expropriation means: (i) Expropriation Proceeds which are the entire amount received by the Association as compensation for any Expropriation, including without limitation any amount awarded as special damages, but deducting there from reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred, if any, to collect the same, including without limitation, legal fees, appraiser’s fees and court costs; and (ii) any surplus funds and those amounts, if any, held in the Capital Reserve Account. 10.02

Examples of Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages in a sentence

  • All Owners shall be assessed a Special Charge (for a Partial Destruction Not Affecting Cottages, a Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages, a Total Affecting Cottages or a Total Destruction.

Related to Partial Taking Not Affecting Cottages

  • Partial Taking means the taking of only a portion of the Premises which does not constitute a Total Taking; (4) "Date of Taking" means the date upon which the title to the Premises, or a portion thereof, passes to and vests in the condemnor or the effective date of any order for possession if issued prior to the date title vests in the condemnor; and (5) "Award" means the amount of any award made, consideration paid, or damages ordered as a result of a Taking.

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  • Modular home means a modular unit as defined in Section 15A-1-302.

  • Mobile home means any dwelling that is designed to be made mobile, and constructed or manufactured to provide a permanent residence for one or more persons, but does not include a travel trailer or tent trailer;

  • Tight-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete seal with the face.

  • Residential area means land used as a permanent residence or domicile, such as a house, apartment, nursing home, school, child care facility or prison, land zoned for such uses, or land where no zoning is in place.

  • Residential building means a building containing one or more residential dwellings.