Pay Television definition

Pay Television means the delivery over the System of pay-per-channel or pay-per-program audio-visual signals to Subscribers for a fee or charge, in addition to the charge for Basic Cable Service or Cable Programming Services.
Pay Television means the exhibition of motion pictures on a home-type television screen, receiver, or monitor by a Pay Television network operator or single station distributed by means of broadcast, cable, closed circuit, direct broadcast satellite (“DBS”), or any other form of distribution whether in conventional, scrambled, encoded, or otherwise altered form where there is a requirement that the audience shall make a payment to receive such motion picture. Such payment may be in the form of: (a) a separate amount for each motion picture or portion thereof (pay-per- view); or (b) a payment to receive a dedicated Pay Television channel which payment is made either in addition to regular or Basic Cable TV subscription fee, or to the proprietor of a free standing microwave distribution system or a satellite master antenna television distribution system (“SMATV”) which distributes the said channel. Exhibition in theatres or comparable places is theatrical exhibition and shall not be considered pay television.
Pay Television means the delivery over the System of pay-per-channel or

Examples of Pay Television in a sentence

  • Exhibition in theatres or comparable places is theatrical exhibition and shall not be considered Pay Television.

  • Pay Television means the exhibition of Productions on a television receiver by a Pay Television network operator distributed by means of broadcast, cable, closed circuit, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) or any other form of distribution whether in conventional, scrambled, encoded or otherwise altered form where there is a requirement that the audience shall make a payment to receive such production.

  • Such payment may be in the form of (i) a separate amount for each production or portion thereof, (ii) a payment to receive a dedicated Pay Television channel which payment is made either in addition to a regular Cable Television subscription fee, or to the proprietor of a free standing microwave distribution system or a satellite master antenna television distribution system (SMATV) which distributes the said channel.

  • For purposes of clarification, upon the expiration of the rights of TWC’s Pay Television Service in a Picture following a withdrawal, the License Term in the Pay TV Rights shall expire, and TWC’s Pay TV Rights in such Picture shall also terminate (and TWC’s lien solely in the Pay TV Rights for such Picture shall terminate; provided that TWC shall remain entitled to receive its fee on any Pay TV GR for such Picture).

  • In addition to the foregoing, Licensor shall not license any Picture to, or authorize the promotion of (1) the exhibition of any Picture by, any Pay Television service exhibited in the Territory (other than STE) or (2) electronic transmission (other than In-Store Digital Download) or exhibition of an intangible format embodying a Picture on a subscription, commercial free basis until after the Second License Period, except as set forth below.

More Definitions of Pay Television

Pay Television means the delivery over the System of per-channel, per-channel group or per-program audio-visual signals to Subscribers for a fee or charge, in excess of the charge for Basic Service or Cable Programming Services.
Pay Television means exhibition over a service for which subscribers pay a premium for the programming transmitted (e.g., HBO).
Pay Television means the delivery over the System of pay‑per‑channel or pay‑per‑program audio‑visual signals to Subscribers for a fee or charge, in addition to the charge for Basic Cable Service or Cable Programming Services.
Pay Television as used in this Agreement, shall mean exhibition on a home-type television screen by means of telecast, cable, closed circuit or CATV when substantially all licensed systems meet the following tests:
Pay Television means the delivery over the System of pay-per-channel or pay- per- program video signals to Subscribers for a fee or charge, in addition to the charge for other Basic Cable Services or other Cable Services.
Pay Television means transmissions or exhibitions by any form of Television (including, without limitation, the right to authorize transmission by third parties, including, without limitation, carriers such as cable systems, master antenna systems, direct satellite systems, IPTV systems, Internet connectivity providers and Open Internet Service providers) to subscribers of a Programming Service upon payment by such subscribers of a periodic subscription fee charged on a not less than monthly subscription basis except as set forth in Section 16(c) and Section 2(a)(iii). All such Pay Television channels or services shall be (i) encrypted at all times (except as set forth in Section 16(c)), (ii) on a commercial-free, non- advertiser supported basis, (iii) offered to such subscribers for an additional charge (for a single channel or service or group of channels or services) over and above the obligatory basic cable subscription charge; provided, however, that the requirement in subclause (iii) shall not apply to transmissions or exhibitions of an STE Service over the Internet that are subject to the requirements of Sections 2(c)(ii), 2(c)(iii) or 2(c)(iv) hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that the tier of programming over which STE Pay Television services are commonly delivered via satellite and IPTV providers as of the Amendment Date (e.g, “Essentials from Fios TV” from Verizon and the “Choice package” from DirecTV) shall be sufficient to satisfy the “basic cable” requirement set forth in subclause (iii) above with respect to those providers. For purposes of clarification, “home-shopping” segments and “infomercials” (as such terms are commonly understood as of the Amendment Date) shall each be considered advertiser-supported activities, but (A) billboards and signboards within a given program (which may include the name and/or logo of a third-party commercial entity and/or product), provided, that ads in such billboards and signboards are not served via dynamic insertion, and (B) product placements that are contained in any program (e.g., clothing worn by sports figures) shall not be considered advertiser-supported activities.
Pay Television the transmission of television programmes and/or channels which can only be viewed by viewers making regular payments to a provider of those programmes and/or channels (where such payments are in addition to: (i) any payments for the purchase or lease of hardware or receiving equipment on which to view and/or unencrypt the relevant programmes; and/or (ii) payments of any government levied licence fee or tax connected with receiving any television programmes); "Placená televize": vysílání televizních programů, jež mohou sledovat pouze diváci, kteří poskytovateli daných programů platí pravidelné poplatky (přičemž se jedná o platby nad rámec: (i) plateb za nákup nebo pronájem hardwaru nebo přijímacího zařízení, jež příslušné programy umožňují sledovat a/nebo dekódovat; a/nebo (ii) úhrady vládou uložených licenčních poplatků nebo daní souvisejících s příjmem televizních programů);