Payout Schedule definition
Examples of Payout Schedule in a sentence
Stripe will transfer settlement funds for Transactions, net of Fees, Disputes, Refunds, Reversals and other amounts owed to Stripe, from the applicable Pooled Account to the applicable User Bank Account within the time period stated in the Payout Schedule, unless a Payout Delay occurs and affects the transfer initiation, or Stripe exercises a right under this Agreement to withhold or delay the transfer.
You may use the Stripe Technology to redeem E-money Stripe holds for you for par value, and Stripe will settle funds to the User Bank Account according to the Payout Schedule.
The number of Performance Stock Units that vest and are payable hereunder shall be determined by the Board, in its discretion, in accordance with the Payout Schedule in Section 3.
A Final Terms document (the “Final Terms”) which completes these general terms and conditions (the “General Conditions”), the Meetings Schedule and the Payout Schedule (these General Conditions, the Meetings Schedule and the Payout Schedule together, the “Conditions”) will be issued in respect of Tranches of one or more Series of Securities.
The maximum payout for each Performance Stock Unit is two (2.0) Shares because the maximum award multiplier on the Payout Schedule is 2.0. Any amount paid in respect of the vested Performance Stock Units shall be payable in Class A Common Stock Shares.