Permanent Policy definition

Permanent Policy means a Participant's Policy having cash values which are projected to be sufficient to continue to provide death benefit coverage at least equal to the Participant's Coverage Amount until the policy maturity date specified in the Participant's Policy (determined without regard to any Policy rider which extends the maturity date beyond the originally scheduled policy maturity date), and which is projected to have a cash accumulation value equal to at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the Policy Coverage Amount at the maturity date specified in such Policy, with no further premium payments. The determination of whether a Policy is at a given time a Permanent Policy shall be made by the Plan Administrator, based on Policy projections provided by the Insurer or its agent utilizing the Policy's then current mortality rates and Policy expenses, and the following Policy interest crediting rates. For the Policy Year in which the determination is made and for all prior Policy years, if any, the Policy projection shall be based on the actual interest crediting rates in effect for the Policy (or, if such rate is not known when the determination is made, the actual rate in effect for the preceding Policy Year). For each of the ten (10) succeeding Policy Years, the projections shall reflect that rate decreased ratably such that the rate for the tenth Policy Year following the Policy Year in which the determination is made shall be five percent (5%). For all successive Policy Years, the projection shall reflect a five percent (5%) Policy interest crediting rate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the interest crediting rate in effect for the Policy Year in which the determination is made is less than five percent (5%), the projections shall reflect such lower rate for all Policy Years thereafter.
Permanent Policy means a Participant’s Policy which is projected to have Policy cash values at least equal to the Participant’s Coverage Amount when the Participant reaches age 95 or, in the case of a Survivorship policy, the younger insured reaches age 100 (the Maturity Date), and Policy death benefits equal to at least 175% of the Participant’s Coverage Amount at all times to the Maturity Date, considering premiums paid prior to the time the determination is made, as well as future projected premiums. The determination shall be made by TRW based on projections provided by the Insurer or its agent. Projections shall be based on then current mortality charges and the lower of: (i) the dividend or interest crediting rate applicable to the Policy at the time the determination is made, or (ii) the monthly average of the applicable Policy dividend or interest crediting rate for the thirty-six (36) months immediately preceding the time of determination (or the monthly average for such shorter period as data is available, if it is not available for the full thirty-six (36) months).
Permanent Policy means a Policy in which the cash surrender value equals or exceeds one hundred and twenty- five percent (125%) of the sum of: (a) the Employer Premiums paid to date; (b) an amount equal to the premium that would then be required to be paid to the Insurer for an annuity contract providing the Participant with a lifetime monthly benefit equal to the Participant's SERP Benefit commencing in the month following the Release of Assignment specified in Section 7.04; and (c) the present value (discounted at a rate 200 basis points less than the then applicable Moody's Rate) of the then current mortality charges payable to maintain the then current Coverage Amount in force until the month following the Release of Assignment.

Examples of Permanent Policy in a sentence

  • The Plan Administrator shall first determine whether the Participant's Policy is then projected to qualify as a Permanent Policy if the Total Policy Premium is paid each year for the remaining scheduled Premium Payment Years.

  • The determination by the Plan Administrator that the Policy will qualify as a Permanent Policy with no further Employer Premium payments.

  • The Coverage Amount shall be the highest amount such that the Policy will qualify as a Permanent Policy if the Total Policy Premium is paid for each year that is a scheduled Premium Payment Year.

  • In the event tax law limits preclude the Employer from qualifying a Policy as a Permanent Policy by the end of the last scheduled Premium Payment Year, then the Employer's obligation to pay premiums under Section 5.02 and 5.03 (and make additional Employer payments under Section 5.04) shall be extended until projections indicate that the Policy qualifies as a Permanent Policy.

  • Such withdrawal and release shall be made within ninety (90) days after the end of the first Policy Year as of the end of which: (1) the Participant's Policy would qualify as a Permanent Policy following such withdrawal by the Employer; and, (2) the Participant's Policy would not constitute a Modified Endowment Contract (as such term is defined in Section 7702A of the Internal Revenue Code) following such withdrawal.

  • As Tun mentioned, it is the efforts of our founding fathers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan that has shaped this country that we call home.

  • Agency shall ensure the food service is in conformance with its Permanent Agreement and Permanent Policy Statement.

  • If the Policy is projected to qualify as a Permanent Policy, no increased Employer Premium payment shall be required for such Premium Payment Year.

  • Adult: $62.00 Youth: (15 & under) $50.00RAFT RENTALS10:00 11:30 2PMGuide yourself rafts for experienced rafters.

  • Permanent Policy: The total contribution will be based on normal cost plus a 14-year amortization of unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities.

More Definitions of Permanent Policy

Permanent Policy means a Participant's Policy having cash values which are projected to be sufficient to continue to provide death benefit coverage at least equal to the Participant's Coverage Amount until the policy maturity date specified in the Participant's Policy (determined without regard to any Policy rider which extends the maturity date beyond the originally scheduled policy maturity date), and which is projected to have a cash accumulation value equal to at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the Policy Coverage Amount at the maturity date specified in such Policy, with no further premium payments. The determination of whether a Policy is at a given time a Permanent Policy shall be made by the Plan Administrator, based on Policy projections provided by the Insurer or its agent utilizing the Policy's then current mortality rates and Policy expenses, and the following Policy interest crediting rates.
Permanent Policy means a Participant's Policy having cash values which are projected to be sufficient to continue to provide death benefit coverage at least equal to the Participant's Coverage Amount until the policy maturity date specified in the Participant's Policy (determined without regard to any Policy rider which extends the maturity date beyond the originally scheduled policy maturity date), and which is projected to have a cash accumulation value equal to at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the Policy Coverage Amount at the maturity date specified in such Policy, with no further premium payments, following a withdrawal by the Employer of all amounts to which it is entitled pursuant to Section 8.02e or
Permanent Policy means a Participant's Policy which is projected to have Policy cash values at least equal to the Participant's Coverage Amount when the Participant reaches age ninety-five (95), or, if the Policy is a Survivorship Policy, when the younger of the Participant and the Participant's spouse reaches age 100 (the "Maturity Date"), and Policy death benefits are equal to at least 125% of the Participant's Coverage Amount at all times to the Maturity Date, considering premiums paid prior to the time the determination is made, as well as future projected premiums. The determination shall be made by Lear based on projections provided by the Insurer or its agent. Projections shall be based on then current mortality charges and the lower of: (i) the dividend or interest crediting rate applicable to the Policy at the time the determination is made, or (ii) the monthly average of the applicable Policy dividend or interest crediting rate for the thirty-six (36) months immediately preceding the time of determination (or the monthly average for such shorter period as data is available, if it is not available for the full thirty-six (36) months).
Permanent Policy means a Participant’s Policy having cash values (unreduced by any loans or withdrawals made by the Employee or policy owner) that, in the discretion of the Program Administrator, are projected to be sufficient to continue to provide death benefit coverage at least equal to the Participant’s Coverage Amount until the originally scheduled policy maturity date, with no further premium payments. The determination of whether a Policy is a Permanent Policy shall be made by the Program Administrator, in the exercise of his or her discretion after reviewing Policy projections provided by the Insurer or its agent and interest crediting rates.
Permanent Policy means a Participant’s Policy that is projected to have Policy cash values at least equal to the Participant’s Coverage Amount when the Participant reaches age 95 and a Policy death benefit equal to at least 125% of the sum of the Participant’s Basic and Optional Coverage Amounts at all times prior to the Maturity Date, considering premiums paid prior to the time the determination is made, as well as future projected premiums. The determination shall be made by Mattel based on projections provided by the Insurer or its agent. Projections shall be based on then current mortality charges and a gross crediting rate on policy cash values of 5%.
Permanent Policy means a Policy which is projected to provide the Participant's Coverage Amount to the maturity date listed in the Agreement for the Policy, with no further premium payments. Such protection shall be provided by the Insurer or the Insurer's representative, and shall be based on the then-current interest crediting rate and mortality charges, or dividend rate, applicable to the Policy.

Related to Permanent Policy

  • Procurement Policy means ADB’s Procurement Policy - Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time);

  • Investment Policy means the investment policy from time to time determined by the Commission under the Rules;

  • Permanent Post means a post carrying a definite rate of pay sanctioned without limit of time.

  • Business Continuity Plan means any plan prepared pursuant to clause H5.6, as may be amended from time to time.

  • Consulting Guidelines means ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers (2007, as amended from time to time);

  • Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

  • Resettlement Policy Framework or “RPF” means the resettlement policy framework adopted by the Recipient on January 20, 2011, setting forth, inter alia, a brief description of the Project and components for which land acquisition and Resettlement are required, the principles and objectives governing Resettlement preparation and implementation, and a description of the process for preparing and approving site-specific Resettlement Action Plans.

  • Permanent sign means any structure, display, logo, device or representation which is designed or used to advertise or call attention to any item, business, activity or place and is visible from outside a building that is intended to be in place for a period that is longer than 30 days. [Amended Eff. 11/10/2007]

  • Group Policy /”policy” means the breakdown policy as set out in this document;

  • Permanent Work means the permanent works including equipment to be supplied, executed, erected and maintained in accordance with the Contract.

  • Permanent residence means a place where the person abides, lodges, or resides for 5 or more consecutive days.