Personal Financial Data definition
Examples of Personal Financial Data in a sentence
On March 30, 2023, the Panel completed the Final Report of the Small Business Review Panel on the CFPB’s Proposals Under Consideration for the Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights Rulemaking (Panel Report or SBREFA Panel Report).
Pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA),31 the CFPB issued its Outline of Proposals and Alternatives under Consideration for the Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights (Outline or SBREFA Outline).32 The CFPB convened a SBREFA Panel for this proposed rule on February 1, 2023, and held two Panel meetings on February 1 and 2, 2023.33 Representatives from 18 small businesses were selected as small entity representatives for this SBREFA process.
For producing Core Data, we may aggregate your Personal Financial Data together with similar data from other Users.
Bureau, Small Business Advisory Review Panel for Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights, Outline of Proposals and Alternatives under Consideration (Oct.
Bureau, Final Report of the Small Business Review Panel on the CFPB’s Proposals and Alternatives Under Consideration for the Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights (Mar.
Examples: Social Security Numbers, Personal Financial Data protected by GLBA, Credit Card Information protected by contractual obligations under PCI standards, security data, and any data exempt from disclosure under Arkansas statutes pertaining to public records unless the exemption is waived by the university.
See also BPI Statement Before House Task Force on Financial Technology on Consumer Consumers Access to Personal Financial Data, Sept.
Statement by the Bank Policy Institute Before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Task Force on Financial Technology “Preserving the Right of Consumers to Access Personal Financial Data” (September 21, 2021), available at: Statement by BPI - House FinTech Task Force Consumers to Access Personal Financial Data 2021.09.21; see also BPI comment letter responding to the Bureau’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Consumer Access to Financial Records (February 4, 2021).
As for the Trial Measures for the Protection of Personal Financial Data, it is also soliciting opinions, which reflects the main value demand of data protection in the field of public laws.
CFPB Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights, Docket No. CFPB-2023-0052 (posted to CFPB website Oct.