Examples of Personal services contract in a sentence
F o r t h e p ur pose of t h is a p- pe n dix:(1) Personal services contract ( P SC) m e an s a co n t ra c t t ha t , b y i t s exp r ess t e r m s o r a s a d- m i n is t e r ed, m a k e t h e co n t ra c t o r pe r so nn el a ppe ar , i n effec t , Gove rn m e n t e m plo y ees ( see F A R 37.104).
Personal services contract – means an agreement that establishes an employment relationship between an individual and NSBI including an amendment of, or extension to, the agreement (Reference: s.
Personal services contract means a contract that, by its express terms or as administered, makes the contractor personnel appear, in effect, Government employees (see FAR 37.104).
Personal services contract with AiDEManagement Resources Corporation, Richmond, Virginia, for provision of engineering and related services, requested by Power and Engineering (Nuclear).
Personal services contract with CDI Corporation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for provision of engineering and related services, requested by Power and Engineering (Nuclear).D3.