Examples of Phonograph Record in a sentence
Artist shall not perform for or in connection with (and shall not permit any other person or entity to use Artist's name or likeness in connection with) the recording or exploitation of any Phonograph Record embodying any Composition recorded by Artist under this Agreement prior to a date five (5) years subsequent to the expiration or termination of the term of this Agreement, or any extensions thereof.
Each of the Option Periods will end the later of (i) nine (9) months after the date of the Delivery to The Record Company of all Master Sound Recordings required in fulfillment of The Artist's Recording Commitment for each such Option Period or (ii) six (6) months after The Record Company's initial U.S. street date for the last Phonograph Record delivered by The Artist in fulfillment of The Artist's Recording Commitment for such Period.
Xxxxxx O’Melveny & Xxxxx Citicorp Center 000 Xxxx 00xx Xxxxxx, 00xx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, XX 00000-0000 Gentlemen: In the current round of collective bargaining between the Phonograph Record Industry and the American Federation of Musicians (“Federation”), Industry submitted a symphonic proposal to eliminate the existing contract provision requiring a two hour guarantee for those musicians not called to a recording session.
G2 may require Artist to file a federal application for trademark protection to be made in favor of Artist for Phonograph Record and/or entertainment purposes.
Artist shall not perform for or in connection with (and shall not permit any other person or entity to use Artist’s name or likeness in connection with) the recording or exploitation of any Phonograph Record embodying any Composition recorded by Artist under this Agreement prior to a date five (5) years subsequent to the expiration or termination of the term of this Agreement, or any extensions thereof.
All references in this Agreement to the Sound Recording Labor Agreement, Sound Recording Special Payments Fund Agreement and Recording Trust Agreement will be deemed to include references to the Phonograph Record Labor Agreement, the Phonograph Record Manufacturers' Special Payments Fund Agreement and the Phonograph Record Trust Agreement, respectively, where appropriate.
Further, we shall have the right, at our election, to apply for registration of your name to be made in favor of you for Phonograph Record and/or other entertainment purposes in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or such other federal institution as may then be charged with accepting those registrations.
The management team aims to do so by embracing a strong IP strategy as part of their appropriability regime.
Xxxxxx O’Melveny & Xxxxx Citicorp Center 000 Xxxx 00xx Xxxxxx, 00xx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, XX 00000-0000 Gentlemen: In the current round of collective bargaining the Phonograph Record Industry and the American Federation of Musicians (“Federation”), Industry submitted a symphonic proposal whereby a provision would be incorporated into the collective bargaining agreement stating, in effect, that compensation due each musician may be credited by “service conversion” in lieu of direct payment.
All recording sessions shall be conducted in all respects in accordance with the terms of the AFM Phonograph Record Labor Agreement, the AFTRA Code for the Phonograph Industry and any other applicable union or guild agreements.